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On behalf of the Owners, Administrators, and Moderators, welcome to the GliderCENTRAL Home Page. We have been serving the glider community for about nine years now with more than 275,000 posts for the purpose of sharing glider information while providing a family type of atmosphere. Both veteran and new members are welcome. Our main mission is to help Sugar Gliders and their owners with illness questions or general glider care.
We are a PG rated board and do not approve of flaming or bashing. This board will not be involved in name calling, gossip or drama.
If you have any problems or questions, please contact one of our Moderators, Administrators or the Owner.
We would like to thank everyone for making GliderCENTRAL what it is and we are glad to have you all.
Have fun, and we will strive to give all the help we can for you.
Hello all- I am a returning member to Glider Central and I am heartbroken to see "latest postings" in various categories with dates as far back as 2018. I hope everyone is well and still actively enjoying life with our beloved sugar gliders. I completely know and understand that 'life happens', it did to me, but thankfully all is well now and I'm looking forward to rejoining the wonderful family here on Glider Central.
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Hi All,
It has been a few years since I have been on here. I created my account 13 years ago when I got my first glider Princess Juliet. As I was a new glider mom, I wanted as much information to provide the best care for my new baby. I then added a friend a few months later, Gizmo. I had these to wonderful girls for 12 years and I spoiled and loved them with all my heart. They were well traveled, as I took them on many a road trip visiting several states in the US. I lost them both last year to old age within a couple of months apart. It still breaks my heart thinking about it. Five years ago a friend of mine worked with a lady that had a 2 year old little girl that they no longer had time for, so I adopted the sweet Zelda or Ms Bitty (which is what I mostly called her). After Juliet and Gizmo passed I found a companion for Ms Bitty, so she would not be lonely after the loss of her sisters. Ms Bitty passed unexpectedly Saturday night. I am not sure what happened, just that I found her in the bottom of the cage. I looked her over and could not determine what could have happened. She is now buried with her sisters in my rose garden. I now have a broken heart and a dilemma. My poor Mr. Winston is all alone and I cannot find anyone locally (St. Louis, Missouri) that breeds or has a glider that needs to be rehomed. I checked the links on the page and the breeders do not seem to be active anymore. I am leery of being scammed, does anyone on here know anyone in my area I could contact?
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Hi all!
I am a new sugar glider mama as of about a month and a half ago! I don't have any pressing questions or concerns, I just wanted to drop in here and say hi!
These little babies have absolutely stolen my heart and our bonding is going very well! If there are any tips/tricks that you wish you knew before getting your babies, what would it be?
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Hello, everyone 😄 I am a new glider owner with some questions any help would be much much appreciated 😊
My question is about bedding....
I have a cage that does not have a drop pan and since the people I bought the gliders from used pine pellets that is what I used. They have been using pine pellets for 3 months now and no problems. They're doing absolutely great 👠(in direct contact with pine pellets. Cage doesn't have a drop pan)
I however found the pine pellets to be messy so I was going to swap them over to the bedding we use for our guniea pigs and bunnies. Kaytee Clean and Cozy Lavender Scented Bedding.
However upon more research I found out that scented bedding may not be the best since they are scent based pets and have sensitive respiratory systems. I could always buy unscented though if that was the only issue.
I also read posts about them not needing to be in direct contact with the bedding because they may eat a piece and it could cause blockages. I never had that issue with my other pets but I am not sure about gliders if they would try and eat it or not.
I do not own a cage with a drop pan so my question is should I stick with the pine pellets or could I introduced then to carefresh or kaytee bedding? Also should it be unscented or could it be scented? They use real lavender buds so it seems to be the healthiest and safest scented bedding out there in my opinion.
Any advice on what to use for bedding in a glider cage would be great and much appreciated (they'll have direct contact with it so it would need to be 100% safe for them)💕
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Hi I'm Peanuts. I'm from Lumberton,nj. I've been thinking about getting a sugar glider for awhile now. But I have a cat I won't part with. So I'm at a stand still right now.
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I adopted a glider about 5 months ago. He was traumatized by his previous owners. They had dogs that would constantly go after the cage, let their kids hold him in his pouch and did not monitor them, had him in a room isolated by himself, and hardly paid any attention to him. They were giving him apple juice to drink, and a basic kibble that wasn't even ment for gliders. I have him on the critter love diet along with a fresh salad (following one of the critter love recipes), kibble for gliders, a couple of mealworms and a yogi treat. He has hi choice of what he wants each night. He goes for his nectar and salad first and sometimes ignores the treats so I'm not worried about him over eating. My daughter and I have made a lot of progress with Duckie. He no longer crabs and lunges when he hears us (he would attack the sides of his cage if we got to close). He let's us pet him and give him treats now as well as pick him up if he is in his pouch al long as we don't close it. He will let us pet him while he is eating as well. He doesn't let us pick him up yet and that is fine (baby steps). He is about 1.5 yrs oop. He recently started bitting for no reason and no warning. It started as little nips but now it is getting painful. He took a chunk out of my husband's finger a week ago. I noticed last night after he bit me a few times that he didn't seem annoyed or anything and he would look at me expectantly after bitting me. At one point he bit me particularly hard then went over to his pile of fuzzies. When I moved one of his fuzzies he started to bat at it like a cat and would nip it. He didn't Crab at me while he did this and he would leap on to the side of his cage then look at me like he was waiting for something. So I "played" with him using the fuzzie. Is his new bitting behavior his was of saying "Hey Play with me?".
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- Forums- The forums are the heart of GliderCENTRAL (GC). Here you will find discussion on just about every thing about sugar gliders.
- Links- The links database is comprehensive collection of links that will provide you hours of reading. The links can be added by anyone and reviews can be left and read on existing ones. Included in the Links Database, you will find the Vets List and Breeder List
- Sounds- Hear some of sounds that gliders make. We have audio formats for both Windows Media player and Real Audio.
- Glider Names- Almost two thousand names are here. These names were submitted by our members over the years so we have a great collection.
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