We are in NW Arkansas. South Fayetteville at an RV park. At 10:30 pm, the girls still hadn't come out for dinner which was a good thing. We got a tornado warning on my phone. Take shelter... Hummm, I'm in my house dress getting ready to go to bed. Do I get dressed or put my slippers on, grab the hubby and the girls and find the shelter? Yep, I slipped my slippers on, grabbed the girls, unceremoniously dumped them in their to go bag, grabbed their emergency kit, my phone and my coat.
Dot was not happy... We took the truck to the shelter, and I had a crabbing lunging bag under my arm... Got to the shelter, people, strange voices just amped Dots crabbing...I did get the looks... we were lucky, there were no dogs in our side. But I could hear them. So as the storm grew, so did Dots distress. I had to slip my hand into their pouch and try to calm them. Yes I got bit, but talking and petting their pouch just seemed to make it worse. After a bit, Dot grabbed my hand and calmed down. I pulled my hand out after a bit and she was fine. I think it was the abruptness of the whole thing. Next time I'll try to be more gentle, but it was grab them or leave them.
The weather passed, no damage with the camper, we did experience a minor flash flood but all is well.
Will know more in the morning for the rest of the area. I haven't heard emergency vehicle sirens and we never lost power, so I think all is well. (Tornado sirens went off once we got in the shelter)
I'm glad you are all safe and I'm sure your gliders will forgive you. If you had to do it again, just do what you got to do to keep everyone safe, and worry about everything else when you have to. Take care.
Thank you everyone! I did get looks from the other people in the shelter, I apologized for their noise, and just said they were upset too.
So, I took inventory of their emergency kit, all was good, except I needed bottled water. So today it has been repacked and we are ready to leave in a hurry if necessary. I ordered a travel glidarium a week or so ago, when it gets here, it will be easier to toss their sleeping pouch into instead of dumping them into their " to go" bag. Poor babies, they were just awake, waiting for the lights to go out so they could have dinner, and instead, we stayed up and watched the weather, and suddenly they were whisked out of thier comfy cage and stuffed in a bag. I guess I should have grabbed some grapes too. But you don't think, you mov fast.
And yes Karen, you don't mess around with the tornadoes around here. We survived the Pierce City, MO (almost 12 years ago) and the Joplin tornado (5 years ago this May).
And yes Karen, you don't mess around with the tornadoes around here. We survived the Pierce City, MO (almost 12 years ago) and the Joplin tornado (5 years ago this May).
You sure must have an Angel sitting on your shoulder
Thanks Karen! We have seen many weather phenomenon in our travels. It just makes you take each day one at a time and be more greatful for what we have.
Now, last night was a bit strange here. We were under thunderstorm watch till midnight, with possibilities of perfect tornado conditions (Do ya just love meteorologists sometimes?)
So, the girls were wiggly and squirming but wouldn't come out for dinner. I decided to take the moment and try to turn things around with them and trusting me during this type of weather.
so I plucked them out of the cage in their pouch. No noises... I sat down- ooop... the crabbing begins... Lunging and crabbing... It took Dot a bit to calm, but she finally did, with a lot of soft talking and rubbing the outside of the pouch. After that, I put my fist in. Nothing... Hummm Now what? Then I opened my fist, and Dot was right there prying my hand open. I knew any moment the munch was comming... Then she did something VERY unlike her. She crawled in my hand. Just sat there all curled up in a ball. After a minute, she started grooming me. No bite. Fiona snuggled under my hand and all was well. This went on for about 15 minutes. And then they were still. It was awesome! So I pulled Dot out, offered her a mealie, she grabbed it and climbed to my shoulder and chowed down... Fiona followed suit. Then they hopped over to their cage, crawled in and started their dinner. All is well!
Glad you had such a positive experience with the girls
This time of year the weather is so unpredictable and though I love the coming of Spring, with it do come these weather challenges Missouri is no stranger to tornadoes either. There is the famous tornado alley that runs through St Louis
Hopefully, we will have a break for a while and can enjoy this nice weather.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
So night before last at 11:45pm, we got to try our new Glide-arium travel size for another tornado evacuation. It was about 72 degrees, with a lot of humidity, in other words, hot and sticky.
We had already gone to bed, and when I got up to look in on them, they were already in the sleeping pouch. But not asleep. I put them in their new travel cage and of course, they crabbed the whole time, but stayed in their pouch. I put their new peek a boo cover over them (i made it from fleece, with a flap so they could peek out), and I tossed them a couple of grapes, and on to the shelter we went. They did not crab, but did explore their small surroundings.Storm came and went, no damage, just high winds and we proceeded back to the camper. We were the only idiots to seek shelter, so no interaction with other humans. We put the girls up, they hopped out, and looked around, then went back to bed. And so did we.
We have only had the new glidearium travel cage a couple of weeks, and the girls did some day travel with out incident. I sewed a summer type cover for it so they could peek out of their pouch, feel secure in their surroundings and be in the dark, yet see us. It does fit in a seat belt too. I plan on adding a loop to my cover to made sure it stays put if something happened and it got shifted. I do plan to make them a winter cover soon.
Since I am recovering from surgery, I can't work, so I am staying in the camper with the girls during the day. Once you make the bed, clean up the kitchen, take a nap or two, it gets boring... Hopefully I can break out my traveling sewing machine, and get to work on all the cage sets I've cut out soon... I am excited to get started and give the girls cages a new look...
The description of you cover interests me, would you mind posting a picture? I'm having trouble visualizing your "peak-a-boo" opening that still lets it remain dark inside.
- Hutch
Morgana (11/15)
Arthur (11/15-3/24) Merlin (11/15-9/23) Gwynevere (11/15-4/22)
I haven't attached my photo bucket to my tablet. I forgot my password.
But these pics were taken in the camper with 12v lights. Not very good but here they are.
the inside fleece is navy in color, so even with the flap open, they are in the dark in their pouch hanging up, or at least hidden if they are out and in the bottom.
Traveling with the girls has been quite an experience. Having said that, our refrigerator went out a few weeks ago. Replacement would be $2300, for a 12v/ propane unit, we contemplated a house fridge, but on long hauls, it won't keep the girls food frozen between electrical hook ups. So after lots of research, we found a replacement coil for $425 , and a DIY install book. We had the part shipped to our home and now it's in the back of our SUV waiting to be put in. The coil unit is huge. The fridge has to be pulled out into the camper(inside), old coil taken out, and so on. Which leaves a grated hole(big enough for the gliders to climb through) to the outside world and really cool small places for little ones to explore...
I left the Genji tent at home, so we have to keep the girls in the bedroom during play time... This will be fun... Not sure how long it will take us to get this done as hubby is trying to work, I'm still trying to recuperate from my surgery, and in the meantime, I have to walk around this refrigerator, in the kitchen with a blanket covering the hole to keep things out and curious gliders in (in case of cage escape). Not sleeping well at night... If I don't hear cage noises, I wake up... If I stay up with them they want out and hubby needs his sleep.... I hope this is over in a few days...
In the meantime we bought a heavy duty cooler to keep food in, and I mix their critterlove complete fresh every day.
I bought some mini bowls with lids at Dollar General. (Thanks for that tip Feather) and have premeasured the dry, into 8 bowls so I can add bottled spring water nightly and shake vigorously. I was a bit surprised. They like it better that way. The bowl is licked clean EVERY morning... hummm. Might have to keep doing this. It's not much trouble and I don't have to wait till it thaws before serving. Might even be easier... More room in freezer.....
So, we got the fridge back together last night after work, and I had the best sleep so far this week.
The girls couldn't figure out why they couldn't play in the living room., kept peeking under the bedroom door during play time. Last night we made too much noise fixing the fridge and they weren't intrested in playtime. Or, the storms that rolled in a bit later. They wouldn't come out of the pouch, just sit with their heads out the top.
We went to bed, and it ended up raining all night. It gets kinda loud on the slide-out near their cage. When we got up this morning, they had hardly touched their food from the night before. This morning they just crabbed when I talked to them, and poked their heads out when hubby got up didn't want mealies or nothing. So, tonight I plan to take them out and have some "Fist" time in their pouch before they wake up for the day.
We stayed home an extra day so I could go to Dr. For a postmsurgery checkup. We left home to return to RV last night about 6:30. The girls got their grape in their sleeping pouch and into their Glidarium travel cage (have I ever said how much I love this thing!?) . They were ready to go. 2 hours, we arrive and as soon as I open the back door and unbuckle them, I hear the crabbing start... Well, that's new. I pick up the cage, and I feel somebody crawling around, and somebody crabbing (Fiona).
So we unpacked the car and closed the RV door, still crabbing... So I open the cage, and Dot's crawling, and Fiona in the pouch. Put Fiona and pouch in their cage and Dot just hides inside travel cage and won't come out. Finally I coaxed her out with a mealie, and into the cage she went. They both came out for dinner, and we went to bed.
The next morning, I saw white bellies waiting at the cage door for a treat. I opened the door, Dot hitched a ride to the kitchen, got her mealie, and we took one back for Fiona. I gave it to her, and Dot hopped back in the cage with her mealie... Fiona started making a warble and hissing sound. Then she attacked Dot. Hummm that's never happened. I was shhushing them and hissing and calling their names, and finally Dot jumped away from Fiona. There was hissing and chatter between the two, and Dot seemed to try to comfort Fiona. Then they went to bed and all was well. I have never experienced this with them, and I have been checking them over for injury, it just seems to be 2 girls squabbling. Maybe it's that time of the month for Fiona... She is not the alpha untill she's not getting her way. We were considering adding a 3rd glider a neutered male. Not now...
We are en route to Ohio to spend fair time with the grandkids who are showing livestock.
And of course we are traveling during a heat advisory. Since we are going to be there for about a month, we decided the girls would be more comfortable in their "second home", so we have the 5th wheel in tow. It's an 11 hour trip (704 miles) in a car, but with the RV, construction, and the heat we decided to turn it into a 2 day travel. That way the girls can have a break and Dot doesn't get over anxious when it's time to wake up.
About 2 hours into our trip, the outside thermometer said it was 97 degrees., and the A/C was getting warm. Girls in the shade, in the back seat were fine untill later in the day when the sun was behind us. So I pulled them out of the seat belt ( travel cage) and brought them up front. I got in to their cage and pouch to wake them up and check on them. They had every blankie and pompom on top of them and they were settled in the bottom of their fleece pouch. I felt to see if they were sweating, and their little hands and feet were soaked. So I pulled out most of the blankies and gave them each a grape, which they took and devoured. I gave them each another grape, and closed their cage, and covered the front with a wet rag. It seemed to help. But they didn't really seem to care one way or the other.
I would guess it was at least 85 degrees inside the truck. I was hot in shorts, I know they were hot in fleece, but no crabbing, or restlessness, they just slept.
We are staying over night in Casey, IL, and will hit the road at daylight and hope the last 300 miles are easier than the first were.
The girls usually stay up till 7am before they go to bed for the day. I hope they will behave theirselves in the morning and go to bed early. I keep a bowl of water and grapes in ther with them, but once they go to bed, they don't usually come out till evening. Dot hates travel cages if she is awake. She will bark and crab while hanging on the side staring at you. Reminds me of a convict who got caught and grabs the jailhouse bars as soon as they are slammed shut.
Right now they are both cuddled in my hoodie grooming. I wish they would move a little to the right... Yes... They got my itch...
Btw, I did give them each a grape when we left this morning in their pouch. Tomorrow I plan on trying apples. They don't normally eat them much.
We finally made it yesterday. Second day was much better than the first. Added freon to the A/C.
Dot and Fiona are having a blast. I was concerned about the heat but they are doing great.
We have been home since May 25. They wouldn't come out of their cage much for playtime. Now that we are back in the 5th wheel, they are going nuts jumping and scittering around, but staying close to their cage and us.
They know the 5th wheel more as their home than our home home. They have lived most their lives in it.
We had a great visit in Ohio. On on last leg of our trip home.
The girls were quite in their element while on vacation. They had many visitors and have become quite social with new people. Especially in "their RV". Hubby has a nephew who is mildly autistic and they haven't sent him in over a year but took right to him like an old buddy. They met most of our Ohio family and friends this trip in their environment and had a blast jumping from person to person. Peeing on their favorites and marking everyone.
We had grandkids spend the night most of the time we were there and happily staying up till 2am with the girls napping and playing with them.
The last 2 nights have been lonely for the girls. They would peek out of their sleeping pouch trying to see into the living room. They seemed disappointed that it was only me bringing their dinner. 2 nights ago after they ate, Fiona hopped out onto me and tucked herself on my shoulder between my robe and nightgown. We watched TV together. Her nose stuck out of my short sleeve watching the front door and the TV. I took a nap till 3am and Fiona hadn't moved when I woke up. Put her to bed and went there myself.
Last night same thing except it was Dot this time (very rare). Except she woke me up by jumping all over me. And Crabbed when I moved my head as if to say " Hey! I wanna go to my cage now! Get up and take me there! I can't find it!"
So I got up walked upstairs (2 steps) and when I was within 4 feet of the cage, jumped the rest of the way. The door was open so she made her way in. I was looking for Fiona inside when a little nose and 2 little ears popped over the top of the cage... I said " Hi" and she cocked her head as if to say " Where have you been? My turn!" She then promptly jumped on my shoulder and assumed her position under my robe on my shoulder. Great... it's 3 am. I wanna go to bed... So we walk down stairs to the kitchen, I feed her a pine nut, she's being cute by chirping and chewing. I get me a water and sit at the table with it and a couple of pine nuts... Fiona just chirping and chewing away... After a few minutes, I get up and wonder if I should stop at the recliner or try to put her back in the cage. I chose the latter... A mistake. Fiona saw "her chair" and leapt for it on my way by... I tried to coax her back to me and all I got was her quiet pleading crab... Well, no rest for the wicked... I turned around to sit and Fiona jumped on my but and vigorously climbed up my back as I sat down. (This is a game we play). She then assumed her position one more time on my shoulder. We both slept till 6:30am. I made coffee, gave her another pine nut picked up one for Dot and put her to bed for the day. I'm glad hubby is driving... I'm tired... 5.5 hours from Home... Can't wait...
There is no doubt everyone had a great time, Dawn. It is wonderful your girls took to your autistic nephew. Animals have that special understanding which is so very special.
We are in Kansas City, KS area, with the 5th wheel parked in my daughters back yard. (They are in the country on 20+ acres).
Long story- short: my daughter has RA (rhumatoid arthritis). In 4 years doctors haven't been able to get in remission. So she has had to get infusion treatments (kinda like chemotherapy ). They started 2 weeks ago which is how long we have had the RV up here.
When she asked me to come up and be here for her, and help with the 3 grandkids just in case the infusion made her sick. We would usually drive the car and pack our genji tent for the gliders to stay in for over night. At the last minute we decided to load up the camper for the sake of the gliders since we had no clue how long we were gonna be here. It was a good decision. We stayed a week. Grandkids had a blast "camping in the backyard with the gliders" over the weekend.
We left the 5th wheel at her house when we left for home (had to go to work)knowing we would be back this weekend to help with my grand daughter Samantha's 9th birthday party. And my daughter gets her last infusion Monday. We will stay a few more days after that.
In the meantime, the girls have had a blast! They prefer the camper over home. Not sure why other than in the 2+ years we have had them they have lived more in the RV than home.
So all of that background to tell this story:
We traveled back home to work, pulled the fuzzbutts out of their travel cage (glidearium) and back into their big cage for the night in their sleeping pouch. I went to the kitchen to thaw their dinner and fill their water silos, add a few kibble for a snack till dinner was ready. This was 4pm. They usually eat at 6pm. With water and kibble in hand, I walk to their cage to find 2 white bellies hanging on the door... I opened the door to put the kibble in for them to climb out and on top of their cage and crawl back into their travel cage and sit there looking at me... It was as if to say... " Let's go!"
They did this all week. Every evening at least one of them would be sitting inside their travel cage... They would trade places, run around but go back to the same place...
I had never left their travel cage unzipped before or on top of their cage but I wanted it handy for our trip back. I should have taken pics... they would just sit there looking at me.
So when I got them ready to go "bye bye" yesturday, they were good as gold. Taking their grapes and sat there in their sleeping pouch as content as can be... Happy campers!
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
So I dug this up, I'm dusting it off, I have only 27 posts, and I've decided to continue on here.
The place, Jackson,MS. The time is stamped above. We are on countdown for heading home...
For the last 7 days, it has been unusually frigid in Mississippi.
The girls are more hungry, less active, and sleep more. Temps upstairs never got below 65deg.
I have started singing to them every night. Some nights they sit side by side and listen, watch. It reminds me of two children about 8years old sitting in church. They try to sit atill, but can't help fidget and groom themselves. At times when I start to singing to them, they crawl in their pouch and quietly groom. Dot will sit and peek her head out. Never blinking, just tilting her head from one side to the other.
Last edited by Ladymagyver; 01/07/1804:19 PM. Reason: auto corrects and fat fingering