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Re: Sick for months....videos of behavior included
[Re: ebkmommy]
04/02/16 08:46 PM
04/02/16 08:46 PM
Joined: Jan 2008
Posts: 14,000 Wisconsin
Joined: Jan 2008
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I am very sorry for your loss. May you find comfort and peace in your memories of her. Glide Free Little Kayeu You made a very difficult decision of the heart. My sincerest sympathy.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Sick for months....videos of behavior included
[Re: ebkmommy]
04/07/16 07:10 AM
04/07/16 07:10 AM
Joined: Nov 2015
Posts: 29 Kansas
In Pouch
In Pouch
Joined: Nov 2015
Posts: 29
Thank you all. It was very tough. I had just gone to the vet to get subq fluids, and I took my 12 year old daughter with me who is the biggest animal lover ever. When Kayeu started struggling to breathe again, the vet said that this is just too much on her and we should let her go. My daughter started crying so hard, took Kayeu from my hands, and she wouldn't give her back. Poor thing. She was fighting so hard to keep Kayeu alive, and she kept saying "What if she wants to live?" or "She is so happy though." I couldn't make her understand that she wasn't happy and that she is suffering. That probably made it harder. I find comfort in knowing that I am no longer torturing her by fighting to keep her alive. Phog, her cage mate (and her offspring) has started crying from time-to-time (like a joey who has been taken from its mother), but she is still eating at least. Near the end of Kayeu's life, Phog did not seem to take care of her as much as she used to...if at all. My daughter kept putting Phog next to Kayeu at the vet to try desperately to keep Kayeu alive thinking that Phog could make her better, but Phog barely smelled her. Soon Perry Ellis and Frank Mason (our 2 joeys) will go to their new home, and Crimson and Blue (their mom and dad) will hopefully accept Phog into their colony. If not..........does anyone have a sugar glider needing a home????
Re: Sick for months....videos of behavior included
[Re: ebkmommy]
04/07/16 09:17 AM
04/07/16 09:17 AM
Joined: Mar 2016
Posts: 106 United States
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United States
I am so sorry for your loss! It's never easy to say goodbye. My thoughts are with you and your daughter.
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