Where do you keep your Gliders when going on a vet trip? Reading through the forums I've found great information for those who travel. A lot of people on those posts suggested foldable pet crates and I've seen others suggest something like a soft-side pet carrier
What do you use and why? I recall reading against having the glider in a bonding pouch while travelling in a vehicle - I definitely agree with that as it is not a safe option. Especially if there is a collision.
I keep mine in bondingpouches and depending on how many I am taking I have PVC pipes strung across the inside of my truck (through the mother in law handles). We hang them on that.
Others keep them in a bonding pouch and put that in a small dog size kennel and seat belt it in.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
It depends on where we are or far it is to the vet.
I have these two to choose from.
I also use the Glidarium for traveling.we did have a collapsible dog carrier, but I didn't trust them in it for more than about 4 daytime hours. Mine wasn't well made and was concerned they may pull a thread and get tangled if they got out of sleeping pouch.
For vet or other short (up to a few hours), I use either the soft side, small pet carrier belted in or in some cases a small cage, but that or their travel Glide-Arium are usually used for longer trips (over a few hours or all day/early am or into evening travel).
I have, on some short trips, used the bonding pouch, but I hang it over the head rest of the passenger seat, front if no one is sitting there, or behind if I have a passenger. This is usually just for real short bouts on the road, and really I haven't really had any like that since I first moved across country. These would be occasions when I would want to carry them around in the bonding pouch at the location I was heading to. So I wouldn't risk transfer from carrier/cage to bonding bag.
I do quite like the larger pouch idea. Thank you for all the ideas!
As I was shopping today I noticed these carriers and I am wondering your thoughts on it. You could add some fleece and whatnot to make it more comfortable. One issue that I could see is if you have a chewer this carrier could be a problem.
Whenever I have to ship gliders for customers, this goes inside the kennel to hold the glider in. It then becomes their travel cage for trips to the vet, emergency evac, etc... very affordable.