HI all, Looking for some advice or ideas of what to do for GUS. back story. We got 2 male neutered gliders, added 2 females then added 2 more females. This colony of 6 did very well together. Some are very bonded some are so so bonded to us. One female that we believe was older has passed away, a very sad day for us. We then picked up a neutered male and female gliders, before introductions we noticed the gliders were all noisier at night and it was mostly gus chasing the female around the cage at times. GUS - he is very friendly, does NOT bite (I can pull him out of pouch with him holding on tight and he won't even nip at me.) I have started having him in pouch sleeping with me during day. So the main problem...
Gus will sleep with the colony of 7 just fine, the colony of 7 overall does very good, 2 feeding stations, they eat together just fine. BUT GUS at night likes to sit at bottom of cage, click his teeth all the time (he is the only one that clicks his teeth), then will chase the other gliders around, sometimes having very short scraps with the other males, the females with usually run away and he will sometimes chase. But he will stand his ground and just be a bully to any other glider that comes his way. This will usually go on from about 4am to 6am, waking up my wife it gets so loud. Any ideas how to settle gus down? right now all im doing is giving him 3-5 hours in bonding t-shirt with me. Wife thinking about putting him in spare cage at night for awhile, give him no one to bully.
John and Charlene Gizmo / link / Sophie / Riggs / scarface / gus
I'm of very limited experience, so I hope someone else will chime in... but until they do, I believe your wife may be right. Right now some time alone to monitor his behavior seems the safest option.
Is there anything that he seems to be 'protecting' from the group or some trigger besides another glider coming too near? Might help those wiser board members identify a better solution.
- Hutch
Morgana (11/15)
Arthur (11/15-3/24) Merlin (11/15-9/23) Gwynevere (11/15-4/22)
Are your feeding stations on the floor of the cage?
I would add more feeding stations and get them off the floor of the cage. That way he isn't chasing anyone away from the food.
It sounds like Gus is head honcho, how many wheels do you have in the cage for that many gliders. I would have at least 2 for 6 gliders.
Tell us more about your set up.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
this picture is our cage, we have food stations halfway up on each side. This picture shows 3 wheels but when we added gus and mary we put their wheels in so we are at 4 wheels in the cage. The bottom of cage has 2 wheels and a doll house and a tipped over toy that gives them a hiding place they seem to like a lot.
John and Charlene Gizmo / link / Sophie / Riggs / scarface / gus