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Are all labels honest?
01/30/17 08:23 PM
01/30/17 08:23 PM
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 16,800 St. Johns, Florida
Glideritis Anonymous
Glideritis Anonymous
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 16,800
St. Johns, Florida
So many folks talk about the Exotic Nutrition Instant HPW. Many of you tell us they use their products because they are less expensive. We caution and tell people they are knock-offs. Well, after all the concerns for their products, I did what they obviously did not do, nor has anyone else done and I had their Instant HPW sent in for a Nutritional Analysis to be done. The results were.... this product doesn't come close to meeting label specs for protein, fat, calcium or phosphorus - it's looks to be diluted by about 1/2 from label specs. Just a couple examples... They have their product listed on their label as having a crude protein % of 44% when after their product being tested twice, it is actually only 16%. Crude Fat Minimum 13.00 % when in actuality it is only 5.6% It was truly eye opening AND scary. Scary because it shows that they never even had their product tested before selling it. And THIS is why I feel ANY and ALL people who develop diets or diet plans should be held accountable to do the proper testing. Or at least the minimum test of having a nutritional analysis done. As you see on their website, it also states the Calcium and Phosphorus numbers. Please see the attached photo of their label listing. On the Nutritional Analysis it came back as Caclium .66% Phosphorus .20% Because I do not want to post the entire thing and make it public (they should pay for their own testing), but I do want everyone to see it really was done and where I am getting my numbers... I thought I would block some of the information out and show you what I have already shared with you.
Re: Are all labels honest?
[Re: Srlb]
01/30/17 11:20 PM
01/30/17 11:20 PM
Joined: Oct 2016
Posts: 26 Texas
In Pouch
In Pouch
Joined: Oct 2016
Posts: 26
I don't use their products, never have. Just wondering though. Was the product you sent in tested as dry matter or as fed? The nutritional information they listed is for a dry matter basis, so adding water would change (dilute) the nutritional content of the food. If it was tested on a dry matter basis, this is very alarming for those who feed this diet. EDIT: Just noticed you posted this, Peggy, and with your experience with diets and especially diet production I highly doubt you would let a simple error like that slip through! Again, this is very alarming. Thank you for making this public knowledge.
Last edited by Pixel; 01/30/17 11:23 PM.
Pixel, Aurora & Gaia Link
Re: Are all labels honest?
[Re: Srlb]
01/31/17 10:57 AM
01/31/17 10:57 AM
Joined: Mar 2000
Posts: 43,319 LittleRock, AR USA
Joined: Mar 2000
Posts: 43,319
LittleRock, AR USA
Thank you, Peggy.
It may be a long time before we/you know if labels are changed.
Wonder if you will hear from them? Word does travel fast. Sometimes companies think they are just too big to be bothered with the little folks or the details
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