I am new to having sugar babies. Have had mine for 2 months and they are great. I got my male (Coco) neutered yesterday and they used a laser pom off method. When I brought him home and looked at him, he had licked the glue completely off and there is a gaping 1/2 inch hole in his tummy. I had given the vet an ecollar but he told me that Coco was able to get out of it so nothing was used. I took him back to the vet this morning to have it glued up again and I made an ejacket for him.
My question is 1. With the laser neuter, is it suppose to be such a large hole? I thought they were going to laser the stalk leading to the scrotal sac because I saw that on a youtube video.
2. How long does this heal and how long should I keep him in the jacket. (The vet was recommended on glider central as someone experienced with glider but unfortunately I don't think he is - but that is another topic).
3. Should I put him back with my other gliders or wait a few days?
Oh my. That does not look good. I'm not an expert and have not had to neuter a glider but everything I've read about them never mentions a gaping hole leading into the body cavity! I understand your worry. I'd keep him separate and in the ejacket until it's starting to heal. I'd also look at seeing a different vet. That's a big opening for such a small creature..it would be like us walking around going about our day with our abdomen sliced open from ribs to belly button, that's just not right. Seeing this little guy worries me and I worry about his pain level as well.
Is it currently closed and is he leaving it alone now?
I hope someone who has dealt with this chimes in soon. I wish you both the best and please keep us posted.
I did take him back to the vet and they decided to stitch him up. I have him in an ejacket now and he is not able to lick at the area. I plan on definitely getting a new vet. I don't know if I should keep him away from my other gliders because I am afraid that they may want to groom him as well, but I was told that the sutures need to be in there for 2 weeks and I don't know if it is a good idea to keep him away from his family for so long.
I personally would keep him separated so the others aren't tempted to groom it, that can cause more problems and longer time away. It's hard to keep them apart from their family but sometimes necessary. In the past when I had to separate one of mine I gave them supervised pouch and play times. This way if any gliders wants to groom the area you are right there to stop it.
I never would have expected that big a hole from a neuter, but maybe that's just because I haven't seen one personally. It was only an 1/8" puncture mating wound that kept mine apart. When I put her back in after I thought it was healed enough, it was reinjured and we had to start the process all over. In comparison your gliders wound is much worse which leads me to think he needs some time apart.
Hopefully it will heal quickly and he can get back to his cagemates soon.
Thank you so much for your advice. It is much appreciated ! I have a glider room and will allow the family to play with each other under supervision so that he can heal quickly and without any further complications.
I was pretty shocked at the size of the opening as well. The vet told me that it was a smaller incision and during the time they had him in their care, he was able to cut into his skin more and stretch the incision. Coco will get extra loving for the next 2 weeks! I have to say the e-jackets are great!
You're welcome! I am by far not an expert I've only had my gliders a little over a year, but I am on GC a LOT (prob 3-5 tines a day)! I don't usually post a bunch but I read and keep up with the new posts. I know that when things go wrong, waiting for advice can only add to the stress of the situation. I'm glad to hear that the vet didn't make such a large incision on him. Coco tearing at it does make since, poor little guy realized something wasn't right with his body and probably tried to "fix" it. It's good the ejacket is working. Thankfully I haven't had to use one yet, but this urges me to at least get one made and ready to go in case I do need it some day.
Keep him in the e-jacket on him until he is healed. None of my guys have every had glue, laser doesn't need glue.
We don't shave them for neuters and they usually cut the stalk off at about 1/8 of an inch from the belly so there isn't a hole that needs glue.
I think he took it off to close to his belly.
Keep us posted on his progress.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
The e-jacket is working really well and he is not licking the area at all. I had play time with him yesterday with his sister Bella, she was trying to lick at the wound but I intervened and then they would scurry off playing hide and seek with each other.
The vet told me the original cut was only about 1/2 cm but I always assumed it would be like the size of a pen point because it would cut at the stalk only. I agree with you Kimberley that I feel he took too much as well. Needless to say I will not be taking my third glider (yugi - who is 12 weeks OOP) to him for a neuter. I will travel the hour to go to a more experienced vet that my breeder uses.
Here is a photo of my Coco in his e-jacket. He loves it so much more than the collar. It was very depressing to see him struggling with the ecollar and not being able to bring food to his face to eat and having a hard time climbing. I would definitely recommend everyone get one or make one. I got the idea from a post on this site about how to make an emergency one and decided to sew my own. This site is wonderful and everyone on it is so helpful. It is much appreciated for a new glider owner like myself to know that there are people all over the country willing to help to make sure these cute little babies are being taken cared of properly.
E-jackets have really been a godsend for a lot of people.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
This same thing happened to me but the vet didn't do a lazer it was just a regular incision... but the gaping hole looked the same. It was so scary! The vet glued him back up but didn't offer stitches. I couldn't do the makeshift e-jacket and he was so sad in a collar until I got an e-jacket shipped to me. My little guy completely healed from that and did great, but I had to keep him in an e-jacket for a while. I hope Coco heals quickly! It seems like you have everything handled by now but hit me up if you want someone to talk to about it that has gone through the same thing.