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New Sugar Glider Parents #1410766
07/07/17 09:21 PM
07/07/17 09:21 PM
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Procrastib8or Offline OP
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Procrastib8or  Offline OP
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My long-term girlfriend and I just picked up our female sugar glider a few hours ago. She will mainly belong to my significant other so she will be doing the majority of the bonding. So far so good, but just thought I'd share some of my experience so far to get a gauge on if we're doing things right based on the community census.

We purchased the joey from a local, reputable breeder that is associated with a veterinarian. She seems to be very healthy and full of life. We have both done tons of research (books, legitimate websites and videos, previous/current owners) and are continually doing so, but actually having the creature is somewhat terrifying (I imagine it's similar to parents reading baby books the actually having the monster)

First of all, the breeder has some interesting methods that differ from most of what I've read. The lady seems genuinely knowledgeable, has a great reputation, and seems very passionate about what she does. However, in most of my research I've found that it's best to leave the glider pretty much alone in the cage to acclimate to its new environment for a few days. The breeder, on the other hand, insists we don't even set up the cage yet, and instead keep the joey in her pouch for two days and feed her by hand. She claims this will help jumpstart the bonding process.

My issue is that when we have attempted to feed her, she is very reluctant to do so. The one time we have tried she was crabbing like a demon and only took one swallow of the formula. We figured she was getting too stressed so we stopped, planning to try again in an hour or so. I have read that light eating the first few days is normal, but I can't help but to be concerned about this seemingly radical method.

Our sweet little joey has also been crabbing randomly while in the pouch (which has been on my girlfriends neck constantly) Sometimes it seems like it may be due to a sound or movement she doesn't like, but other times completely random. Again, I've read that excessive crabbing is normal initially, but I am what you call a "worrier"

Any input would be greatly appreciated, even if it's simply "stop worrying" or "you're totally screwing up." Otherwise, I look forward to helping my girlfriend with this experience and am glad I have found a competent community to voice my questions and concerns. Thank you for your time.

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Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410769
07/07/17 10:01 PM
07/07/17 10:01 PM
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Ladymagyver Offline
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If this is what your breeder recommends and you have the time, it's probably a good idea to try. However, nightie is playtime and the Joey will be restless and want to potty and stretch their legs. If you keep her in the pouch all day, place an apple slice or a grape for rehydration. The Joey will not rest well in the pouch all day.

And Welcome to Glider Central! smile


Be patient,
Trust your journey....

Grace :bb:

Ruby :grey:

Mom :grey:

Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad :rbridge:

Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...

Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Ladymagyver] #1410770
07/07/17 10:10 PM
07/07/17 10:10 PM
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Thank you for your input, and the welcome. She seems to be resting quite well at the moment, but have not gotten her to go to the bathroom yet. Her second feeding went much better, but still had no interest in relieving herself. Also, the formula we're giving her is part water and we were told this would be sufficient for hydration. Do you suggest we give her some time to walk around in a controlled environment (bathtub lined with fleece) during feedings to "stretch her legs" at night?

:grey: Daisy
:cream: Mishka

Also a dog (Macie)

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Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410773
07/07/17 10:17 PM
07/07/17 10:17 PM
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You may have to stimulate her cloatia (where they potty poo from if she is very young.

Keep in mind she has been taken from all she knows and put in a totally different environment with new smells and sounds. Nothing is the same and she is all alone. No buddy of her own kind to comfort her . If you haven't set up a cage, a tub lined with fleece will do. Close toilet lid, turn down the lights it will help.

She should not be left alone in this room.

If your GF is wearing her for an extended amount of time, and she is at least 8wks oop, a snack in the pouch will prevent dehydration.

Last edited by Ladymagyver; 07/07/17 10:20 PM.


Be patient,
Trust your journey....

Grace :bb:

Ruby :grey:

Mom :grey:

Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad :rbridge:

Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...

Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410774
07/07/17 10:18 PM
07/07/17 10:18 PM
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Originally Posted By: Procrastib8or
Thank you for your input, and the welcome. She seems to be resting quite well at the moment, but have not gotten her to go to the bathroom yet. Her second feeding went much better, but still had no interest in relieving herself. Also, the formula we're giving her is part water and we were told this would be sufficient for hydration. Do you suggest we give her some time to walk around in a controlled environment (bathtub lined with fleece) during feedings to "stretch her legs" at night?

I don't recommend leaving this poor little one in a pouch for two days at all. For one reason, gliders are very clean animals and don't like to pee/poo where they sleep shakehead If this does happen it is either an accident or they could be ill. I'm not surprised at all she is reluctant to go to the bathroom while in her pouch.

You mention formula you are feeding? How old is your little one? She should be out (in her cage) eating solid foods (fruits/veggies) plus a staple. What did the breeder feed?

There is no reason you cannot set her up in her cage and give her some time to get used to her new home, just as you intended. That is how 99% of glider owners do it agree

BTW, I would be interested to know who the breeder is.
If she has a website, our rules allow you to post it.
Not to bash her. Just interested to know who she is.

Last edited by KarenE; 07/07/17 10:19 PM.

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Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: KarenE] #1410775
07/07/17 10:26 PM
07/07/17 10:26 PM
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First of all, thanks for your input. To clarify, we are not making her go to the bathroom in her pouch (that would be awful) We are taking her out of the pouch to feed her and for her to go to the bathroom. We were told to attempt to feed her every 3 hours or so (a mixture of organic baby food, room tempersture water, and a glider supplement) and we actually just had her first successful "movement" and could tell she needed to go because she started to move around in the pouch.

:grey: Daisy
:cream: Mishka

Also a dog (Macie)

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Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410776
07/07/17 10:38 PM
07/07/17 10:38 PM
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Originally Posted By: Procrastib8or
First of all, thanks for your input. To clarify, we are not making her go to the bathroom in her pouch (that would be awful) We are taking her out of the pouch to feed her and for her to go to the bathroom. We were told to attempt to feed her every 3 hours or so (a mixture of organic baby food, room tempersture water, and a glider supplement) and we actually just had her first successful "movement" and could tell she needed to go because she started to move around in the pouch.

A glider old enough to be away from the parents, especially the mother, should not need to be fed by a human every three hours a mixture of what you posted.

Joeys should not be sent home to new owners before they are between 8-12 weeks out of pouch although some are sent at six weeks. Even at six weeks they should be eating completely on their own, solid foods with no intervention from us IF they are healthy and truly old enough to be taken from their parents.

Even joeys eating solid food still with their parents will not eat as often as you are trying to feed yours.

Hope all this makes sense.

You may find that the watered down baby food will give her a loose stool.

Last edited by KarenE; 07/07/17 10:39 PM.

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Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410780
07/08/17 05:57 AM
07/08/17 05:57 AM
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Ladymagyver Offline
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So how did it go last night?

Please keep us posted. We are here to help you and your glider.


Be patient,
Trust your journey....

Grace :bb:

Ruby :grey:

Mom :grey:

Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad :rbridge:

Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...

Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Ladymagyver] #1410793
07/08/17 10:26 AM
07/08/17 10:26 AM
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Originally Posted By: Ladymagyver
So how did it go last night?

Please keep us posted. We are here to help you and your glider.

Yes, we are, and I do hope you didn't think we were too harsh last night, especially me. Just wanting to help the best we can with all we have learned from our own experiences over the years.

Trust me, I have made my share over the decades, and so much has been learned about these little ones.

Hope to hear from you soon.

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Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: KarenE] #1410797
07/08/17 12:50 PM
07/08/17 12:50 PM


Again, to clarify (I'm not very concise), we are not doing it because she needs to be fed by hand. She's three months old and is capable of eating on her own. It is just a way of jumpstarting the bonding process. We do not plan to keep her on this diet indefinitely. Also, we aren't forcing her to eat every three hours. We just place the pouch in a secure environment, talk to and pet her through the pouch, and if she comes out, she's hungry. Sometimes she eats a little, sometimes a lot.

She seems to be quickly warming up to us (especially my gf) She seems very comfortable and didn't really crab most of the night. She was even willingly handled (freely went to the other side of the tub and went in her hand) so I think that's a great step forward. I know this method seems radical, but I assure you we are adults and are only concerned with the health and well-being of the animal.

Some argue sugar gliders shouldn't be pets at all, and there are dozens of theories about how to best raise them in captivity. I don't think there is a solid, formulaic method simply because we are dealing with a non-domesticated animal.

Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Anonymous] #1410801
07/08/17 12:57 PM
07/08/17 12:57 PM
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This is my post (obviously, but still getting used to the forum) I just want to add to this and further update on our situation.

Like I said, last night went pretty well and she seems very comfortable. We do plan on doing one more night of the pouch (mainly because the first night went so well) However, since it really only my gf up half the night with her, I think they are already starting to bond. My gf is at work so I attempted a solo feeding, and she won't come out. But she also isn't crabbing, which is good. I'm going to leave a bit of fruit in the pouch so she will hopefully hydrate herself in the mean time. I will update again tonight after my gf has attempted more feedings.

The most exciting bit is that she felt comforable enough to be handled by choice. I'm not an expert, but that seems to be a strong first step toward bonding, and especially on the first night.

:grey: Daisy
:cream: Mishka

Also a dog (Macie)

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Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410803
07/08/17 01:02 PM
07/08/17 01:02 PM
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Good to hear that the little one is old enough to be away from mom and dad.

I know some people in Asia will feed their gliders that way, something nummy, who knows it may make them easier to medicate if they associate the syringe with good stuff.

I know mine hate it, but once they taste the bubble gum flavor antibiotics they will hold the syringe and lick it clean. Go Figure! shakehead

Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack
Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet :bb: T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon :wfb: TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring :rtmo:
Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the :rbridge:

Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410808
07/08/17 04:46 PM
07/08/17 04:46 PM
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Quick update / possible concern:
She wouldn't come out and eat for me earlier when I tried. Unfortunately, since my gf has gotten home, she still won't come out even for her. Our theory is that she's tired out from all the excitement from yesterday, but we're getting concerned that she isn't staying hydrated. If she still doesn't want to come out later, should we physically remove her from the pouch? We wouldn't want to force feed her, but we're concerned.

:grey: Daisy
:cream: Mishka

Also a dog (Macie)

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Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410809
07/08/17 05:51 PM
07/08/17 05:51 PM
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Have you placed her pouch in the cage yet?

If not, I would go ahead and hang the pouch in the cage and give her some time to adjust to her new home. It will also give her time to come out on her own to eat, pee and poo.

What feeding plan/diet are you going to feed? Not the baby food mixture you are feeding now, but a staple with fruits/veggies. She needs a grown up diet.

As for taking her out to check her, yes, I would to make sure she is okay and does not have diarrhea from the baby food mixture. I would doubt she is dehydrated if she has eaten much at all of the mixture.

If you can, post a picture of her for us.

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Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: KarenE] #1410814
07/08/17 09:11 PM
07/08/17 09:11 PM
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We have not put her in the cage yet, but likely will tonight.

I have heard of a couple of diets that seem legitimate. The Australian Wombaroo diet seems great and I've heard/read good things. You think we should get her started on something like that immediately?

My gf did not take her out but found some feces when feeling around. Luckily, it was solid. I assume maybe this is why she hasn't want to come out, because that was making her upset? And I hope you're right, as dehydration is my number one concern.

I will attempt to get a picture soon, though I find it difficult because we always have low lighting for her and pictures/videos just don't come out. Maybe we're overdoing the dim lighting? And just to note, I am aware that they should be able to see out a window to tell if it's night or day; we don't totallly block out the sunlight when she's out, just make it scarce.

:grey: Daisy
:cream: Mishka

Also a dog (Macie)

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Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410816
07/08/17 10:01 PM
07/08/17 10:01 PM
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Originally Posted By: Procrastib8or
We have not put her in the cage yet, but likely will tonight.

I really think it would be a very good idea to go ahead and place her in the cage with her pouch.

I have heard of a couple of diets that seem legitimate. The Australian Wombaroo diet seems great and I've heard/read good things. You think we should get her started on something like that immediately?

There are several good diets out there. Anywhere you see the word diet highlighted, click on it and it will take you to our database. There you will find links to the different diets. The Australian Wombaroo Diet is one, however, it is not the only good one.

My gf did not take her out but found some feces when feeling around. Luckily, it was solid. I assume maybe this is why she hasn't want to come out, because that was making her upset? And I hope you're right, as dehydration is my number one concern.

I will attempt to get a picture soon, though I find it difficult because we always have low lighting for her and pictures/videos just don't come out. Maybe we're overdoing the dim lighting? And just to note, I am aware that they should be able to see out a window to tell if it's night or day; we don't totallly block out the sunlight when she's out, just make it scarce.

Don't worry about adjusting the lighting in your home to suit the glider. They will adapt and need our lighting to help keep them to their normal routine. Even the lights we keep on in our homes help them stay on their nocturnal schedule. Looking out a window doesn't really do anything for them as they have an internal clock.

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Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410817
07/08/17 10:06 PM
07/08/17 10:06 PM
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Finally fed the gal. We were about to give up and put her in the cage, but decided to try the feeding one more time. She was still uninterested in coming out, so my gf rolled down the ends of the pouch until she was gently nudged out. After that, everything was super. She relieved herself, ate like an angel, and all the while only crabbed once and only for a second. The bonding seems to be going very well for them; using the scented fleece blanket trick is also likely helping.

Still no picture. But her name is Daisy

Last edited by Procrastib8or; 07/08/17 10:06 PM.

:grey: Daisy
:cream: Mishka

Also a dog (Macie)

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Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410818
07/08/17 10:14 PM
07/08/17 10:14 PM
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Really like her name. Daisy.

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Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410820
07/09/17 12:34 AM
07/09/17 12:34 AM
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Welcome! I would most definitely get Daisy a friend! I had originally only wanted one but doing more research and talking to the breeder I decided to get two. I am so glad I did! They are so much fun to watch and play with! There are also those days where my schedule is so hectic I can't give them the attention they typically get, they entertain each other and keep each other company. But welcome to you and your girlfriend!

Mariah & Kyle
Penelope :rbridge: & Ava :grey:
Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410821
07/09/17 12:36 AM
07/09/17 12:36 AM
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One more update for the night (it's comforting to document all of this)

Daisy had a little excitement tonight. During the feeding I mentioned she was pretty chill. However, about ten minutes after being back in the pouch she started jostling about. We figured it was potty time and we were right, but there was so much more.

She was extremely hyper, way more than she ever got last night. And unlike last night she was totally fine with my gf being in the tub with her, but it was because of her evil plan. Daisy shocked us when she hopped onto Alyssa's (hate typing gf) arm and proceeded to crawl all around her until she noticed her vantage point.

She proceeded to leap from her shoulder to the bathroom floor. Luckily I'm a precautions person and the space underneath the door was blocked off already. We let her explore a bit but gathered her back into the tub when she was trying to be a little too ballsy with her climbing. After watching her hop around for a bit we scooped her back into the pouch when she calmed down so we could hopefully get some sleep.

About ten minutes after that she started to go berserk in the pouch. Alyssa then made the executive decision to set up the cage. So it was done and we quickly realized the small-cage-to-start theory sucks because she's all over that thing and clearly needs more space. We will be getting a larger cage asap.

We also need to get some toys. Any ideas for simple homemade toys or joey-appropriate bird/other store-bought toys would be appreciated so we can get those tomorrow.

Alyssa got a couple decent pics during the bathroom fiasco that she needs to send and I'll post tomorrow.

:grey: Daisy
:cream: Mishka

Also a dog (Macie)

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Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: PeneAva2016] #1410822
07/09/17 12:43 AM
07/09/17 12:43 AM
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Originally Posted By: PeneAva2016
Welcome! I would most definitely get Daisy a friend!

Thanks for the welcome. We plan on doing just that actually (I would love to have one bonded with me) but it may be up to a year before we are able to (mainly for financial purposes) I have not done much research regarding introducing gliders to one another, but do you think it would be difficult/harmful if Daisy were over a year old and to bring in another, likely three months old?

Also, in the mean time, my girlfriend does plan on spending several hours a day bonding with her and several hours a njght playing. I know it doesn't fully replace another glider, but she is going to put in the time before we can manage. Eventually, we would love to have a colony of them, we're in love.

Thanks again for the welcome and your input.

:grey: Daisy
:cream: Mishka

Also a dog (Macie)

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Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410823
07/09/17 12:47 AM
07/09/17 12:47 AM
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Plastic Easter eggs with some treats in it, some plastic baby teething ring things... I purchased some plastic bird toy thing like a little basketball hoop to hide a treat in, mine really love that.
I'm no expert, I've only had my girls for almost a year, my breeder strongly suggested I get a second one within a few months of getting the first, luckily mine are close in age so the breeder was the one to introduce them. I'm sure other more experienced glider owners can give their input about your situation.

Last edited by PeneAva2016; 07/09/17 12:51 AM.

Mariah & Kyle
Penelope :rbridge: & Ava :grey:
Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410824
07/09/17 01:49 AM
07/09/17 01:49 AM
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Originally Posted By: Procrastib8or
Daisy had a little excitement tonight. During the feeding I mentioned she was pretty chill. However, about ten minutes after being back in the pouch she started jostling about. We figured it was potty time and we were right, but there was so much more.

She was extremely hyper, way more than she ever got last night. And unlike last night she was totally fine with my gf being in the tub with her, but it was because of her evil plan. Daisy shocked us when she hopped onto Alyssa's (hate typing gf) arm and proceeded to crawl all around her until she noticed her vantage point.

She proceeded to leap from her shoulder to the bathroom floor. Luckily I'm a precautions person and the space underneath the door was blocked off already. We let her explore a bit but gathered her back into the tub when she was trying to be a little too ballsy with her climbing. After watching her hop around for a bit we scooped her back into the pouch when she calmed down so we could hopefully get some sleep.

About ten minutes after that she started to go berserk in the pouch. Alyssa then made the executive decision to set up the cage. So it was done and we quickly realized the small-cage-to-start theory sucks because she's all over that thing and clearly needs more space. We will be getting a larger cage asap.

From the sounds of it, Daisy was acting like a glider. She was most likely so chill the first night due to stress, but once night hit she wanted to wake up & explore everything she could. That's all very normal & expected.

I'm glad to read Daisy is now in her cage, but yes, the whole 'small first cage' thing is a bit misguided. There are many good cages that you will be able to read about in the 'Housing & Accessories' sub-forum. Bigger is better as your glider will use all the space you can give her.

In the same forum you'll find a lot of toy descriptions. Also, youtube has many videos on making glider-friendly toys. In general, things they are able to climb, export, or carry.

Welcome to the GC.

- Hutch

:grey: Morgana (11/15)

Arthur (11/15-3/24)
Merlin (11/15-9/23)
Gwynevere (11/15-4/22)

The epic saga begins here!
Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410826
07/09/17 05:34 AM
07/09/17 05:34 AM
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Hey there!
Welcome to the madness.

Definitely get her a mate. These animals are social and will not be happy alone. I know I will take some flak, saying that, because there are a lot of owners here who have single gliders who are VERY happy.
But that is because their human parent's love them soooo much, they they are filling in for much of that gap. :-)
For maximum happiness you need multiples. They don't have to be mates--they could be any sex and any relation to each other.

(Ears adroop, giant, sad, depthless eyes gazing plaintively into yours. A tiny pink paw reaches tentatively up toward your face) "Daddy Tree...pleeze, just one me' snuggle in the pouch with us'z for nappy time..." )

And they are like potato chips. You CAN'T just have one! :-)

The fun progression is exponential. Two gliders is FOUR times as fun as TWO. But only a little more work.

Blue Lagoon would have been a lot different for Brooke Shields if she was just stranded on a desert island as a little girl all alone.
She would have gone all Lord of the Flies, and by the time they rescued her, she would have been just crabbing and biting at everyone. Would probably have damaged her career. Or at least her roots.

Conversely, add Brooke Shields to Tom Hanks' "Castaway" and everyone is having a good time.

So, in summary, IMHO, get more gliders.

Remember...anything worth doing is worth OVER-doing.

And don't worry about bonding with multiples--or even singles. These creatures have big hearts and are very emotionally sensitive. They have lots of love to go around.

OH...and males...
Neuter YES.
LASER NEUTER: YES. (Having done it both ways now, I will always promote laser if possible.)

One thing that may surprise you. These animals have not been in the pet trade very long. No genetic memory of domestication. They have no natural trust of man.
A puppy or a kitten naturally trusts humans. Not so with these guys. The result is that you will be working on your 'relationship' with your gliders all your life, just as you would with a spouse. It's a journey.

Cages. So much fun!
Cages are art and function...and are a great past time when mixed with your favorite inebriate and power tools.

When buying a cage, don't skimp.

Dishes, food, toys, medicine...secondary.
The cage is the one thing you and your babies will have to deal with every single day, every time you interact. Get something you LOVE. And get the biggest thing you can manage.

After much agonizing, my solution was the Northwest Homes for Pets, Critter Nation model 162.
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I think this is now sold under the PetSmart brand "All Living Things."

It takes a dozen or so screws to assemble the stand with the Ikea-like tool kit. But once the stand is assembled, the entire cage just gravity-stacks together.
Which means if you REALLY need to get it outside to clean it, it's easy to break down. If you have to move, you can break it down and box it up.

It's sold in half-sections, if you like. So if you need MORE space, you can just stack higher. (Or if go sideways if you want to get jiggy with tubes and vents and such)

The front is ALL doors and if you leave the center level out of the assembly, you get a simple, huge open cage that resembles a walk-in closet. Easy to access any part of the cage because, again, the front is ALL doors. This also allows you to put pretty much any sized toy or decor into your cage.

Rust resistance and abuse resistance has proved out terrific. I have rolled it outside many times and just hosed it off. Not a spot of rust. Much happies.

Latches are glider proof.

Bar spacing and orientation: 1/2" *horizontal* bars--so much nicer (as opposed to vertical bars) on your furbaby's hands when climbing...and they do climb.

I'm on my second one of these cages. If you decide to get one, the only thing I would be wary of, is make sure the fit and finish in in the door panel is good. This part is vulnerable to shipping damage.

My brain dump on that. Hope it helps.

Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410844
07/09/17 05:40 PM
07/09/17 05:40 PM
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Procrastib8or  Offline OP
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South FL

Thanks for all the new info and welcomes. The girls have been bonding all day and I went out to get some starter stuff. Got a tent for tent time (to avoid another bathroom mishap), a fleece hammock for the cage (*she hasn't been sleeping in her pouch when in the cage, hoping this isn't an issue), a feathery cat toy for tent time, a plastic bird toy to climb, practice golf balls and straws (got the idea from the forum), and a few treats to try (fruit Yoggies, organic dried fruit (banana, mango, pineapple), and unsalted, organic sunflower seeds) Plan to get a whole lot more very soon.

Still need a larger cage (will buy sometime next week), and to figure out a diet for her, which we plan to finalize tonight so we can start her on it asap. Right now we're leaning towards the Wombaroo diet. Still doing research on introducing a friend and the time constraints on that (not because we don't love her, but because of $) but I'll reiterate that my gf plans to spend many hours a day bonding and several hours a night playing to help fill the gap in the mean time.

:grey: Daisy
:cream: Mishka

Also a dog (Macie)

Day 1:
Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410845
07/09/17 05:59 PM
07/09/17 05:59 PM
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Terry Offline
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Terry  Offline
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Everything sounds great! Just be careful that the cat toy doesn't contain catnip, it's not safe for sugies, so I've heard/read. Maybe avoid using that until you are certain it doesn't.

Since you have straws, you may want to get a hand-held sharpener, the old fashioned kind. You can get the kind that don't have a containment compartment or with one that is removable. Then twist straws through in a way that creates a spiral. You can then take a zip tie and bundle them together, it will make a great, sugie-safe chaser toy!

I've used a fly swatter from Dollar store (a trove of sugie toy-making supplies can be found there, once you learn what to look for). I cut it down and zip tied spiraled straws and fleece strips to make a chaser toy. I'll try to get a pic up in a few minutes.

Here it is, the pic is of the back so you can see how it's attached. I may add more spiraled straws, mine has more fleece strips. I think the straws are more effective for toys, or better liked.

Last edited by Terry; 07/09/17 06:08 PM.

Lives with:
1 God
1 dog, (Willow)
1 Sugie, (Ollie)
R.I.P. Lulu (2/28/12-10/13/17)
R.I.P. Skadoosh (2/28/12-3/26/18)
Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Terry] #1410847
07/09/17 06:12 PM
07/09/17 06:12 PM
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Thanks so much for your input. I double checked for catnip and even checked with the cashier to make sure, so no worries there. The only bad part about it is that there's a small jingle bell on the very end of the stick where the feathery bit is attached, and I've read that they can get their fingers and toes stuck in the holes. I will attempt to remove it if it seems like an issue, but I don't think she will come in contact with it.

Those are some great suggestions, and I'll add them to the growing list of things we want to try.

:grey: Daisy
:cream: Mishka

Also a dog (Macie)

Day 1:
Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410848
07/09/17 06:36 PM
07/09/17 06:36 PM
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Terry Offline
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Terry  Offline
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If used for supervised play it should be okay, just keep an eye on it.

You're welcome, we're a community here working together for the betterment of pet sugar gliders. One day you will be doing the same, sharing knowledge you've gained to those seeking help.

Lives with:
1 God
1 dog, (Willow)
1 Sugie, (Ollie)
R.I.P. Lulu (2/28/12-10/13/17)
R.I.P. Skadoosh (2/28/12-3/26/18)
Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410851
07/09/17 09:54 PM
07/09/17 09:54 PM
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Procrastib8or Offline OP
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Procrastib8or  Offline OP
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South FL
Quick update:

Just had her first very successful tent time in the temporary tent. Lots of crab-less handling and jumping to and from momma. And best of all, I finally have pictures. She's so fast it's difficult so I'll just call them action shots. The first one is from the bathroom adventure, the other is from tent time.

:grey: Daisy
:cream: Mishka

Also a dog (Macie)

Day 1:
Re: New Sugar Glider Parents [Re: Procrastib8or] #1410852
07/09/17 10:12 PM
07/09/17 10:12 PM
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Ladymagyver Offline
Ladymagyver  Offline

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SW Missouri USA
Awww. How cute! Pictures are really tough to get sometimes as they don't sit still long.

Tent time is a great time to spend with them.

If you can find feathers(no colored, natural) or a plastic bug, you can actually interact and play with them. Mine like peacock feathers. Be prepared for it to be shredded. Since they are hunters, they like to chase things. They remind me of cats when on the prowl. They arch their back, and that long tail flicks.


Be patient,
Trust your journey....

Grace :bb:

Ruby :grey:

Mom :grey:

Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad :rbridge:

Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...

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