Judah has been off his feed since Anson died. Although he still gets up and uses the wheel, he is reluctant to leave his pouch even for yogies treats. There was another “orphaned” glider available for adoption upstate from me so I contacted the owners. They rightfully wanted some pictures/video of my cage and setup so they knew their little Nala would be going into a real home so I sent them some then made arrangements to go pick her up on Monday since I had the day off.
I set up Nala’s cage downstairs in the family room for quarantine purposes but will move her upstairs to the living room next to the main cage after quarantine (just before Christmas). Today, we went to the vet to start a record and get a wellness check. Everything is A-OK and they said she’s the friendliest glider they’ve ever seen — not a peep from her other than wanting to explore the examination room and having the greatest time gliding from person to person.
I will probably try to get some additional gliders her age to add to the newly growing colony so she’s not in the same position Judah is (there’s a 6 year age difference between them) in a few years or so but am going to take it slow and easy on that. Task 1 is to first them these two used to each other and integrated over the coming months.
I knew Nala was well-behaved but she was just amazing at the vet’s. All props to her former skin parents.
Nala (really cinnamon) & Reuel (formerly Petal) Judah Anson Lele Laki Ronald (formerly Eladio)
Current Research, Studies & Resources
Re: New adoptee
[Re: Paani]
#1418308 11/17/1812:16 PM11/17/1812:16 PM
I don't think the prior owners had introduced Nala to yogie treats. She wasn't interested in them and wouldn't take them at first so I left one in one of her foraging bins one night and after that, she will cautiously come and snatch a yogie treat from my hand then retreat to a corner to eat it. She doesn't seem to be at all interested in the LGRS Suggie Soup ... think it's just new to her but I may have to increase the honey content. She does enjoy climbing up on top of the cage and looking around at her new surroundings. I think she's still surveying for places to jump to so I don't let her out very often yet.
Nala (really cinnamon) & Reuel (formerly Petal) Judah Anson Lele Laki Ronald (formerly Eladio)
Re: New adoptee
[Re: Paani]
#1418527 12/02/1811:08 PM12/02/1811:08 PM
Nala's got another week of quarantine before I can move the cages next to each other. I took her out with me running errands today and even though she slept most of the time, I think she was irritated at being removed from her normal pouch and having to put up with the jostling as I moved around. When we got home, she grabbed a cage wall and wouldn't budge even for a yogie.
Meanwhile, I haven't liked how Judah was moving around in his cage for the past week or so. He has this waddle with the rear end now and all his jumps are shorter than usual so I took him into the vet. I explained that he'd been off his feed ever since his cage mate died and in particular he wasn't eating his staple (LGRS Suggie Soup) which was where I was giving the supplemental calcium. She was also concerned so she gave me some oral calcium to give him for the next week plus some amoxicillin since he had been sneezing a couple weeks ago. He is such a pill! Really doesn't like me giving him the syringe but yesterday evening after he woke up from the vet trip, he went over to his staple food and began chowing down on it as if to say, "I'm eating, I'm eating, now go away with that nasty stuff."
As it turned out, I got a package in from Exotic Nutrition that afternoon with something new to me: eucalyptus sticks. I hung one in each cage. Nala still looks at it curiously but Judah just went to town on it last night. This was on top of eating his Suggie Soup earlier in the evening! Wish I'd got a picture of video of it because I haven't seen him go to town on something like that since he got his first taste of fresh ripe mango.
In the meantime, attached is a picture of Nala watching the world from her pouch. I like that design, haven't seen it on any of the crafter pages.
Last edited by Paani; 12/02/1811:09 PM.
Nala (really cinnamon) & Reuel (formerly Petal) Judah Anson Lele Laki Ronald (formerly Eladio)
Re: New adoptee
[Re: Paani]
#1418528 12/03/1801:01 AM12/03/1801:01 AM
Nala's been in quarantine since I picked her up Nov 12 but I'm thinking about ending the quarantine tomorrow. It will just be easier to move her cage on the weekend while I'm off rather than midweek after work and I'm pretty sure there really wasn't any disease issue with either suggie. Will still wait for intros until after the New Year ... want to see the reaction when the cages are close enough that they can hear and smell each other.
Nala (really cinnamon) & Reuel (formerly Petal) Judah Anson Lele Laki Ronald (formerly Eladio)
Re: New adoptee
[Re: Paani]
#1418635 12/09/1809:21 AM12/09/1809:21 AM
Thanks for confirming my thought. Just finished moving the cage and I think Nala is going to be really happy to be away from the TV in the family room. They will be able to see each other from the very tops of the cages but can hide by going down. Will post picture later, right now am late for a holiday party.
Nala (really cinnamon) & Reuel (formerly Petal) Judah Anson Lele Laki Ronald (formerly Eladio)
Re: New adoptee
[Re: Paani]
#1418863 12/19/1809:08 PM12/19/1809:08 PM
Nala seems pretty interested in Judah but no reciprocal interest. Judah just wants to hide in his pouch.
That brings up another point. I was worried about Nala not having company if Judah turns out to be a mean squirt (and also because he's 6 years older than her) and I couldn't resist TPG's Christmas sale so I agreed to buy 2 of their already established cage mates "cheaply". They'll neuter the boys and then ship them to me after the holidays are done but ... I'm not in love with their names. I didn't want to rename Nala because the name suited her and had been established by her being in a family for 3 years. I'm not as convinced with the new boys when they come in -- calling a boy "Petal" is just mean. Do you rename adoptees or keep their "established" names? I know it doesn't make any difference to the gliders.
Nala (really cinnamon) & Reuel (formerly Petal) Judah Anson Lele Laki Ronald (formerly Eladio)
Re: New adoptee
[Re: Paani]
#1418865 12/19/1809:25 PM12/19/1809:25 PM
Coming from the pet glider, I would say go ahead and rename them. They aren't called by their names as much as Nala is her name.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: New adoptee
[Re: Paani]
#1419165 01/21/1907:15 PM01/21/1907:15 PM
Wow, that was easy. Got home at the end of the day of errands and realized I still hadn't done intros this weekend so I took them both into a bathroom in their respective pouches. I gently set them both down in the dry tub (making sure the door was closed and the toilet lid was down!) with the pouches facing each other.
Judah worried me at first as his first reaction was to crab and retreat back into his pouch while Nala was looking on curiously. After several minutes of them just hiding from each other, I gently shook Judah from his pouch and removed it. He cautiously went over to Nala's pouch and when she didn't react, he crawled in, groomed her for a bit, then they cuddled up in the pouch together (swirling a little to find a good "together" position.
I put both pouches back in the main flight cage and removed one of Judah's wheels (left his favorite). I put Nala's favorite wheel and her foraging toy box in the main cage then buttoned it up.
Meanwhile, 2 more adoptees from TPG are off in the dining room going through quarantine. They just got here 2 Fridays ago so still have some time before I moved them into the cage next to the main flight cage. I don't know how that intro is going to go but at least I've got it to 2 pairs now.
Nala (really cinnamon) & Reuel (formerly Petal) Judah Anson Lele Laki Ronald (formerly Eladio)
Re: New adoptee
[Re: Paani]
#1419166 01/21/1907:15 PM01/21/1907:15 PM
By the way, "Eladio" and "Petal" from TPG are now "Ronald" and "Reuel". Even Stephanie admitted the staff must have been on something the day they named those two.
Nala (really cinnamon) & Reuel (formerly Petal) Judah Anson Lele Laki Ronald (formerly Eladio)
Re: New adoptee
[Re: Paani]
#1419179 01/22/1910:29 AM01/22/1910:29 AM
By the way, "Eladio" and "Petal" from TPG are now "Ronald" and "Reuel". Even Stephanie admitted the staff must have been on something the day they named those two.
Can't say I have read a better review on introductions. Congratulations
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: New adoptee
[Re: Paani]
#1419191 01/23/1909:16 AM01/23/1909:16 AM
Further update. It seems one thing or another kept me from doing intros between the pairs although they've been living in adjacent cages since March. Yesterday, I finally had time to get them introduced so I took a clean never-used colony pouch (with the Grinch on it) to the bathtub around 10 AM (when I knew they 'd all be kinda sleepy anyway) then grabbed the sleeping pouches from both cages and slowly coaxed them out of the pouches. Judah was somewhat frantic to get away from the new gliders but finally settled down and went into the new pouch with Nala. The other two also cautiously entered the pouch -- a little bit of crabbing from Judah now and then but really nothing major and certainly no balls of fur (thank God!).
Soon enough all were sleeping in the new pouch. I let them sleep in it in the tub for a couple hours then transferred the Grinch pouch to the big flight cage with another fresh big colony pouch. I'm keeping the Grinch pouch fresh for Christmas (:D). When they woke up, Ronald and Reuel were all over the cage exploring their new expanded home and Nala's toys. Judah kept somewhat separate on a branch but there was minimal crabbing and he seemed to have no problems going back into the pouch to sleep with everyone this morning.
Long delayed but so happy to have them all in one big happy family together.
Nala (really cinnamon) & Reuel (formerly Petal) Judah Anson Lele Laki Ronald (formerly Eladio)
Re: New adoptee
[Re: Paani]
#1421677 11/25/1906:28 PM11/25/1906:28 PM
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: New adoptee
[Re: Paani]
#1421678 11/26/1910:47 AM11/26/1910:47 AM