Because we do not have the ability to change Rule 8 in the database, please adhere to the following in ClassifiedCENTRAL:

  • Ads will stay for 30 days or until otherwise notified by seller.
  • Advertising is not allowed on the forums except in ClassifiedCENTRAL and must be glider related.
  • You may have more than one ad in each subforum.* Bumping your ad**
  • Ads can be posted by the seller or buyer only. No third party ads. Please keep chit chat to a minimum.***
  • No posting for the rehoming of rescues in ClassifiedCENTRAL. See Rescue Me Forum.

* More than one ad in a sub forum is now allowed, however, combining your products/gliders will be easier for buyers when possible.

** Bumping Your Ad:
There will no longer be a bump rule as long as it is not abused. This means you may move your post to the top of the page by bumping it as long as we do not feel you are taking unfair advantage. This was the reason the Bump Rule was implemented in the first place. We appreciate your cooperation.

*** General questions may be asked, however, remember the seller may not return to the board to answer. Use the PM system.

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