I am sorry I couldn't figure out how to reply to this thread...
So my glider has so many of these symptoms I feel as if it's a losing battle... I took him to the
vet and I am administering all the meds I was given but.... is this the end? Has anyone had a glider in this state bounce back? Make a recovery? Am I looking for a miracle here.... ?
discharge from eyes or nose, especially in combination with sneezing that
sounds 'moist' or 'wet'-unlike the normal grooming sneezes
) up during the daytime, in an ill glider, they're usually just sitting there, or slowly moving around, without really 'doing' anything in particular-and may just look 'not quite right'
9) any sudden jerkiness (seizure like activity), loss of control of limbs or coordination, trying to walk and wobbling or falling over
An abnormal amount of activity, spastic and not stopping, that is unusual, or seems like the glider is stressed or scared, but it doesn't stop.11) and this is something we've noticed with ones in critical shape.
They seem to feel they need to climb, whether they can or not, and it is frequently frantic, and not well coordinated. It's like a fear response they can't control, as they try to get to your shoulder, and don't even seem to know themselves why they need to get up there. This needs prevented (gently)-they can easily injure themselves or fall.
12) As in the pics...
flattened ears, eyes that lack luster and just don't "look" well. 13) lack of elimination, pee or poop, or sudden change in color or consistency of waste.
Very clear or very yellow urine is not normal if it lasts any length of time.
4) As to change of nose color-very pale, dark red, or blue/purple color that lasts more than an hour or so, is not normal.