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Journey to a 'New Normal' for Dot and Stewie
05/31/20 09:29 AM
05/31/20 09:29 AM
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A quick Back story, and I'll catch up to present soon... This has been a difficult post to type since Fiona has passed away ( read here: ) Stewie was her cage mate, and Dot has been a single for over a year. Now I'm not sure what/ how to introduce the two, but Stewie is out of his mind with grief. Dot's story is here about why she's a single glider. Or at least part of the story... had to do with a dominance wound I found on Fiona, and while she was healing, Stewie and Dot were together. Anyway, Stewie has never been alone, and Dot likes being alone somewhat. She usually calls to the other cage (they are in separate rooms) for a few days every month, I'm guessing her heat cycle. I'd love to hear comments and advise as we take this journey with Dot and Stewie. It will be full of surprises I'm sure... To be continued...
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Journey to a 'New Normal' for Dot and Stewie
[Re: Ladymagyver]
06/11/20 10:50 AM
06/11/20 10:50 AM
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Stewie has been a single for going on 3 weeks. It's not been easy for him. We have spent a lot of time with him during his waking hours. He is sleeping more than usual. Since Fiona passed, we have allowed him out of the cage in the morning to sleep in our bed.( Yep he is spoiled) He wants to be near a scent other than his own. He crawls under our quilt and sleeps between the top sheet and quilt. He will stay there all day... In one spot... He will slightly crab to let you know where he is... He has done this off and on for several months especially when Fiona would want to be with me or she would kick him out of the pouch... There are always 2 pouches in the cage, but Stewie has always had trouble going to sleep for the day... He's like a three year old who is too tired to take a nap... He has to run his batteries out completely. We have moved Dot in to the bedroom about 4' from stewie's cage. That went well. After a few days we allowed each of them out of cage play. As long as they didn't jump on the other's cage. The first morning, I let Stewie out and he went straight to our bed and found "his spot" and fell asleep. The second morning, he had to investigate Dot. That didn't go well. But both are fine. Night 4, we tried a cold intro. On top of our bed. Bad idea. It's stewie's bed... He chased Dot off the bed... And surprisingly, Dot ran... Yesterday we scrubbed up both cages, gave each glider a new sleeping pouch. I cleaned sheets and quilt, everything neutral... This morning tried again, and same end result... So those of you who are experienced are asking why I left out two important things to do before intro's... Here ya go... Note: Our bathtubs are not real tall, and these two are big and strong and will not stay in the tub... They become too pre occupied with getting back to their respective cages to worry about each other. They have been cage mates before, but as a trio. They only tolerated each other and fought over Fiona. They travel side by side, cages are kept in separate rooms, but in the RV, they can smell each other... They smell each other on us also. I did try swapping blankies and pouches... All they did was pee on them and sleep on the floor of the cage (or in stewie's case, bark for hours and run circles on the ceiling of his cage until he was let out to sleep in our bed ) So today... They are cage swapping... Dot has enjoyed the luxury of stewie's cage. Runs, jumps on treadmill and his wheel, explores, sniffs, marks.... Stewie got the worst part of the deal. Dot likes smaller cages when she's a single. She's in a Pocket Pets starter cage with shelf removed so a wheel could be added... It's almost 11 am, neither have been asleep yet. They are tired and anxious to get back to their own cages(Stewie in our bed)... I'm trying to hold out but I feel bad for them both...
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Journey to a 'New Normal' for Dot and Stewie
[Re: Ladymagyver]
06/20/20 09:29 AM
06/20/20 09:29 AM
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Catch up from 9 days ago... Stewie finally fell asleep! About noon... That night I felt sorry for him and traded them back to their respective cages. He's just too hyper to be in a PP cage. Dot, really liked Stewie's cage. It's a Congo, so it's tall and has 2 wheels and a treadmill in the bottom. Lots of hammocks to jump and climb from. I also put 2 of the PVC shelves (with Mesh floors)I built for the smaller Brisbane cage. I use them to put their food and water dishes on.. Anyway, as of today, day before father's day, they are still in separate cages. We are back on the road for work, left yesterday and 2 cages in tow in our 5th wheel. We are in Cape Girardeau, MO, 5.5 hours from home.... Opened up the 5th wheel, settled in went to put the gliders in their respective cages... Crap... I forgot Stewie's wheel and treadmill  Great! Now what?!?!!! I'm not sure who's to blame here... It wasn't on my to do list to take them out of the cage, and we've never left them behind before... I do remember I didn't have anything in the bedroom to cut the zip ties, and asked hubby to cut them, I guess I assumed he would 'drop everything he was doing' and take care of it... So I put it out of my head as done... With the world as it is today, losing Fiona and everything else, I walked past that cage a dozen times after that and didn't even think... So did hubby. I can't blame him, he's still upset as I am over leaving Fiona for the first time... Lots of "first times" this year... But I won't go into that now... Anyway on to how to entertain Stewie tonight... I found an old treadmill under the bed I'd made Dot last year. It's safe enough, just not as sturdy as it needs to be for my little/big and hyper man who weighs 160gr... But for now, he's gonna have to make do... I put a cover on it and he did try it... It's a touch wobbly under his weight (I know why and will get parts to fix today). Last night we tried intro's again in the tent on our bed... Well it went better, both were in neutral territory, but this time Dot stood her ground and is not interested... I think Stewie will have to re-learn his manners... So we'll try again tonight. Wanted to put them together this morning, but we have to do a little shopping : 2 tires for the 5th wheel and a battery. Plus find a safe wheel for Stewie) and I won't leave them unsupervised... Maybe afternoon intro's... We'll see...
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Journey to a 'New Normal' for Dot and Stewie
[Re: Ladymagyver]
06/21/20 12:34 PM
06/21/20 12:34 PM
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We didn't try intro's again, but I did find a temporary wheel for Stewie and with a few modifications, it will work for now. If he takes to it...
I put the wheel in his cage, and all he did we stare at it... Not interested...
So I decided to lay a zip tie end on it and this morning the zip tie was in the drop pan, so he did try it... Hopefully after a few weeks we'll make it home and I can get his wheel.
Dot had a great night last night. She was semi cuddling, and running and jumping all over her side of the living room...
Stewie stayed upstairs and wouldn't venture away from his cage. He's not a real road warrior yet. He always followed Fiona around. I think he remembers she's not here all over again... He just sits and watches... Hopefully this will be short lived...
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Journey to a 'New Normal' for Dot and Stewie
[Re: Ladymagyver]
07/22/20 11:51 AM
07/22/20 11:51 AM
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So, a month later... Stewie has gotten along well with his temporary wheel, in fact just about wore it out... I'm watching it daily for wear and safety... We have had some interaction between Dot and Stewie. We tried swapping cages, pouches, and it didn't help. We tried tent time in the morning, and they balled up every time. Now that Stewie has been a single for 2 months, he seems more interested in Dot... To the point where he is starting to remember his manners... Since my two are accustomed to out of cage time, we try to give each of them equal time out to play... That worked until a few days ago when Stewie decided to come downstairs (we are in a 5th wheel camper and Dot is in the living room and Stewie is upstairs in the bedroom). And check out Dot's cage... It didn't go well, but I think Stewie startled her... She started calling for him when we put him up, so we let her out and let him out again upstairs. He came down and snuck up on Dot, grabbed her, and she twisted out of his grasp, ran a few feet away, turned and stood up like a grizzly... Hummm... So Stewie backed away and each tried a different approach... They stayed away from each other but watched intently what the other was doing. We had closed Dot's cage door. They touched noses, but anytime Stewie would try to show who was boss, Dot did a quick crab and kept her distance... I think I forgot to mention they are both marking the cover to Dot's cage while watching... There was some chasing, but no balling up. Dot finally got tired of it all and dropped to the floor and headed upstairs... Hubby followed her while I watch Stewie who is on top of Dot's cage acting like he won king of the mountain... Dot was upstairs marking Stewie's cage... So one turn deserves another... When Stewie settled down and looked a bit tired, I scooped him up in a pouch, tossed one to hubby for Dot and we put them back to their respective cages...
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Journey to a 'New Normal' for Dot and Stewie
[Re: Ladymagyver]
07/22/20 06:55 PM
07/22/20 06:55 PM
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Stewie, sweet grandson of mine you need to love on her, not pick on her.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet  T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon  TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Journey to a 'New Normal' for Dot and Stewie
[Re: Feather]
07/25/20 04:27 AM
07/25/20 04:27 AM
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Stewie, sweet grandson of mine you need to love on her, not pick on her. Oh he's trying, he is just wanting Dot to be like Fiona. And that's not gonna happen... Lol! So now we're back home. I set Dot up in the bisbane cage and Stewie in the Congo cage. Side by side in the living room about 4" apart. They are both interested in each other, but just from a distance so far. I never realized how big 2 cages can be side by side.... Dot really doesn't care for all the space compared to a PP starter cage. But they have been very busy marking their territory, and now it's starting to smell...  a new place on top of all ...  Today is nail clipping day... 
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Journey to a 'New Normal' for Dot and Stewie
[Re: Ladymagyver]
07/25/20 09:17 AM
07/25/20 09:17 AM
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It may take them a long time, but they may come to realize they are the only pair in town so might as well make the best of the situation and be buddies Stranger things have happened in the glider world 
Let's just wait and watch to see what happens between these two.
Re: Journey to a 'New Normal' for Dot and Stewie
[Re: Ladymagyver]
07/30/20 06:57 AM
07/30/20 06:57 AM
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So, Karen, you were right about stranger things.... First, I want to explain why I chose "Glider talk and Traveling" over " bonding and Relations"... First and foremost because I'm documenting their travel, personality, eating habits, housing, and their interaction to each other. Second because we take a rather unorthodox way of keeping our gliders that doesn't comply with basic glider ownership. Most people have other pets in their house. We don't. So our gliders can free roam more than should be allowed. We are also bonded to our gliders to the point they stay near us and can be supervised. Our sleeping hours also allow us to observe and spend a lot of time with them while they're awake. Even if it's in shared shifts with hubby. Ok, whew, got that out of the way... I shared that only to tell a story of the last 3 nights... It's been interesting... It all started while I took a nap... Hubby and I decided that day to open the cage doors once they ate so they could explore each other's cages (they are side by side in the living room). So once they ate, he opened the doors. I guess all went well. Stewie of course was first to bolt out and check out Dot's cage... Dot got up and they were smelling and kissing and chirping to each other (finally!). Stewie has learned his manners all over again and stayed out of her cage. Dot climbed out and they played for a bit (yay!!!). Hubby closed the doors of the cages for about an hour and a half... They did snuggle on top of Dot's cage for a bit (fleece cage cover on both) and both wanted back in their respective cages for a drink and snack). This was when I woke up... It was 1am... So we watched movies, hubby napped and I observed what happened next... Stewie carefully made his way into Dot's cage, marked, but didn't touch her food. Dot watching him. Stewie ran on her wheel, marked here and there, and slowly made his way to her open environment pouch where she was watching him from. The grooming began... Stewie had Dot in quite a head hold while he dug and chewed and groomed the back of her head and neck. Dot was sprawled out eyes closed and in pure bliss. She hasn't had a grooming like that in well over a year... They snuggled and napped for awhile... Dot under blankies and Stewie one eye open watching me... Both heads would come up and observe me as I would walk past the cage. And then curl up again...  About an hour later, they were climbing around and I petted each of them head to toe, making sure there were no injuries... Nope. Just soft slick coats!  Fast forward to their bedtime: They were both in Dot's pouch, but Stewie was too wiggly... Dot was too tired to put up with it, and he got kicked out. Instead of him taking over a different bed in her cage, he opted to go back to his bed and groom and sleep... The next night, same kind of routine, but this time Stewie did all his grooming before he tried to snuggle with Dot for the day... I think he gets so excited, he just can't lay still... He got kicked out again. He used to this as Fiona would kick him out as well and he'd sleep in the other pouch a lot. Sometimes all day, sometimes he'd sneak back in with her. So, I did some thinking and I think there just isn't enough room for both of them in her pouch. Stewie likes to stretch out on his back and Dot lays on her side in a ball. Yesterday morning Stewie made a bed on top of Dot's cage and slept there instead of going to his bed. I decided to scoop him up and let him sleep on me for the day... He was so tired, he slept hard enough I could snap a few pics... This morning, I am observing them preparing for bed. In Dot's cage each are on their own hammock grooming themselves! Yay! Dot has chosen the larger 'dustpan' style OE (open environment) pouch to sleep in... Stewie followed her in... I tried to take another pic, and well they don't like my phone, but trust me, they were side by side... Still waiting to see if they settle down... Here is a link to pics of Stewie sound asleep and Dot's OE pouches...'ll let you know how it goes today...
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Journey to a 'New Normal' for Dot and Stewie
[Re: Ladymagyver]
07/30/20 08:02 AM
07/30/20 08:02 AM
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Ha!!! Caught them!!!! They did try to sleep in the dishpan OE pouch this morning. But there was a lot of tsking... When both of us left the room, they sneaked out of Dot's cage and when I checked on them, I found them in a nest Stewie made yesterday on the top of Dot's cage! aren't snuggling, but Stewie is touching her with his foot!!!  I'm leaving them there for the day... We still have a few steps to go... They have to be able to eat in the same cage on different levels and get along with door shut... I plan to offer a few sleeping options, and plenty for Stewie to do... One slow step at a time... Wooo hoooo!!! 
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Journey to a 'New Normal' for Dot and Stewie
[Re: Ladymagyver]
07/30/20 09:21 AM
07/30/20 09:21 AM
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I almost hate to get too excited for fear they will do something silly like make fools of us but this is so wonderful 
Cannot wait for the next installment of the Stewie and Dot romance.
Re: Journey to a 'New Normal' for Dot and Stewie
[Re: Ladymagyver]
07/31/20 07:10 AM
07/31/20 07:10 AM
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Last night, they got up late, went to their respective cages and ate. After many chirps and soft barks, they joined together in Stewie's cage. They napped in a big OE pouch. Hubby and I both were tired, so we moved Dot's water and food into Stewie's cage on a different level. This morning, all was well. They wanted out after I gave them each a treat. They seem inseparable. They climbed my curtains (quilt cotton and washed on a regular basis) and sat there side by side for awhile scoping out the living room. Then Stewie took off to Dot's cage to run on her wheel. Dot made her way to the nest on top of her cage and watched him. Dot is getting much needed exercise. She has never been able to keep with Stewie, he's super hyper. And at bedtime he's like trying to get a 3 year old toddler to take a nap.... Every day...  This is day 3 of him grooming before he joins Dot (snuggled in stewie's nest on top of her cage)... I think there's a pattern forming here... A little chirping as they get settled in for the day... All is good...
Last edited by Ladymagyver; 07/31/20 07:13 AM.
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Journey to a 'New Normal' for Dot and Stewie
[Re: Ladymagyver]
07/31/20 09:37 AM
07/31/20 09:37 AM
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I knew he could channel his Grandpa sooner or later!
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet  T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon  TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Journey to a 'New Normal' for Dot and Stewie
[Re: Ladymagyver]
08/01/20 07:23 AM
08/01/20 07:23 AM
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Yesterday while they slept on top of the Brisbane cage, I wiped down both cages, cleaned the drop pans, and added a fresh super large dustpan style pouch to stewie's cage. I also added a large 12" x 12" blankie as a cover. My struggle has been to find something that will allow them to touch each other, but sleep apart... In other words, Dot doesn't like to snuggle when she's bedding down for the day. Especially when it's warm. Dot also wants to be able to see the environment outside her pouch at a glimpse and not climb up out of a pocket style pouch. Since using these type of pouches, there is less crabbing if they are disturbed during the day. So last night, they were allowed out after they ate, but decided to go to stewie's cage to nap, and we closed the door. All good... This morning, they wanted out, get their treat, and run around a bit. Dot went back into Stewie's cage, and back into the big OE pouch. After Stewie groomed, he followed her lead... Today is the first day they are together behind a locked door and in the same pouch... Whew!!!! I'll keep you guys posted and try to explain more about this large dustpan pouch... I've had great luck with them!
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Journey to a 'New Normal' for Dot and Stewie
[Re: Ladymagyver]
08/01/20 09:01 AM
08/01/20 09:01 AM
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Well, how about that. It appears we may have a new couple sighting. Let's all cross our fingers and hold our breath this is a lasting romance 
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