Hello, I currently have 2 sugar gliders, Charlie (9, fixed male) & Delta (11, female). I got them ~3 years ago from TPG and they were previously a breeding pair who were then retired from reproducing after about half of their lifespans. Unfortunately, Delta has been showing signs that her time is coming; she’s been making abnormal noises that seem to be discomfort. The
vet says it’s possible her kidneys are failing, and because she is slightly dehydrated, blood work would be risky to tell exactly what is going on. Being that Delta is 11 and showing these signs, it’s possible she might not make a year, leaving Charlie all alone at 9 years old. I would really like some input on what the best option is for Charlie once she passes scene as I do not want to take on new gliders at this time.
I've pondered this decision ever since I got the gliders because there are so many different situations, and there doesn't seem to be a “perfect†option. I've thought of a few options and would like some input or other ideas of what I might do when the time comes. Everything is super situational so I am trying to have a plan for any scenario:
1. One option is to have found a home found for him so that he is able to be
bonded asap. However, with the uncertainty of how he will react after losing his mate, especially since he is older as well, I would need to decipher how he is acting/feeling during that time to see if he is up for
bonding, or if the stress of a new environment and new sugar gliders would send him over the edge.
2. Make him comfortable until he passes. Considering he’d be losing his mate of his whole life, it’s possible the grieving would send him over the edge. I’d just want to make him comfortable until his time comes
3. Put him down. I don't want to put him down immediately, but if it comes to it, and his quality of life is depleting fast (option 2), I’ll likely put him down to avoid any unnecessary suffering ie. starving himself, dehydration, depression, self-mutilation...
4. Technically finding a home for both of them now before Charlie is alone is an option as well. However, with Delta's condition I don't think sending her to a new, stressful place along with her specific care & medication would be the best scenario.
I don’t exactly know what the "right" option is. Please let me know if you guys have any other ideas, or can help me decide/discuss whether a home transfer would be too stressful for him or not. Thank you!