Hi everyone, it's been a long time since I been on here. I am looking to adopt or rescue some gliders again into my life. Now that my family is more grown kids are way older and myself is grown more as well. I am ready to find some lovely sugar babies. Just remember I am dyslexic so might not always spell right.😊 how has life been for the glider world?
Current Research, Studies & Resources
Re: Hi it's been along time, I like to to come back
[Re: vhenke11]
#1423069 01/14/2106:11 PM01/14/2106:11 PM
Everything is slow here. But we do get new members every week.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Hi it's been along time, I like to to come back
[Re: Feather]
#1423070 01/14/2107:58 PM01/14/2107:58 PM
I got a 2 year old female glider. Calling her little Bean. The colony she was adopted into started bulling her so she has become a lone glider. So I adopted her. For now she will be single for a bit. She is very sweet. I ordered her a new cage and cage set. Even made her one from fleece, she going to be so spoiled. I will be working on my husband to get her a friend. 😠he just doesn't understand them and their needs.
Re: Hi it's been along time, I like to to come back
[Re: vhenke11]
#1423115 01/18/2111:01 PM01/18/2111:01 PM
Hello are you located in the New Jersey Area. I have three well behaved bonded bothers . Same mother and father just different litters. If you are interested keep me posted . Thank you
Re: Hi it's been along time, I like to to come back
[Re: Feather]
#1423116 01/19/2109:08 AM01/19/2109:08 AM
She a biter too 😠I try giving her honey on my finger and she decided to bite, no licking it. Even lotus lickes my finger and she was a crabby glider too. This is going be along bonding time. What can I do get her not to bite besides just take the bite?
Last edited by vhenke11; 01/19/2110:06 AM.
Re: Hi it's been along time, I like to to come back
[Re: vhenke11]
#1423118 01/19/2110:54 AM01/19/2110:54 AM
It's big enough, and safe for a single glider. But since they are tree climbers and their paws need something to grab, it will need a fleece cover like this:
The link above also sells glider safe treadmills and wheels. They built them once it's ordered and could take 8-12 weeks to get.
You can make this cover safely if you can sew.
Having said all the above, any treadmill will have to be anchored to the grate on the bottom of the cage. They get real rambunctious and the " you and me" saucer is super light so even on a solid surface can fall over with them (not parroting, I've had experience with this myself) this saucer will have to be altered a bit to get it anchored. If you need help with that or making a cover, let me know.
Edit: I can't emphasize the "you and me" saucer enough about being for a single glider. Once she gets a buddy, the saucer can be used for supervised play. There is an issue underneath the saucer itself (unless they've modified it since I have one) will catch tails. And somebody is on it and somebody is under it, there can be accidents. A degloved tail is a gross thing to find(I haven't had the experience, but have seen enough pics to fill my nightmares).
Another note on a smaller glider safe wheel. They jump more than they run and need that large open space to do so too.
You can also enrich her with a toy box and ping pong a, fleece pompoms, army men barrel of monkeys, dinosaurs, and foraging toys.
The foraging toys a can be as simple as a toothbrush cover, a cleaned tictac box, small bottles, etc...
Last edited by Ladymagyver; 01/19/2111:51 AM.
Be patient, and Trust your journey....
Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad
Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Hi it's been along time, I like to to come back
[Re: vhenke11]
#1423119 01/19/2111:33 AM01/19/2111:33 AM
I forgot about the biting. I would try giving her a good dollop of yogurt on a small spoon, straw, or popcicle stick first. That way she can bite away.
Next if you want to try your finger, I would offer a finger knuckle. Make a fist and pull your index finger out a bit still curled. The tight skin won't hurt as bad and she can't get a good grip. Try not to flinch. They do eventually give up with only a surprise nip or two once in awhile. By then a " sht, sssst, or Tsk noise training will help. I sometimes follow those with a firm no when it hurts.
Last edited by Ladymagyver; 01/19/2111:37 AM.
Be patient, and Trust your journey....
Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad
Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Hi it's been along time, I like to to come back
[Re: Ladymagyver]
#1423121 01/19/2102:02 PM01/19/2102:02 PM
Thank you dear, this is so much help. She is sweet. I tired getting her in a bonding pouch and she jump out. She in my kids walk in closet as her glider room for her. She did climb on me a few times when I put my hand palm down. She did try to glider to the wall to climb it. Was funny. I will have to put things for her to climb when out of cage. Moved my kids clothes to my closet. But I see I am going have a hard time to get her in the bonding pouch. The lady who had her put her in a hamster ball. So I am thinking she didn't do the pouches much. The wheel I will be looking into more. I want a safe one but not so big. Unfortunately I will not have a cage like I use to have that was super big. Unless I just let her use it out in the closet. Plus new cage not here yet. Can they get under the door space?
Last edited by vhenke11; 01/19/2102:04 PM.
Re: Hi it's been along time, I like to to come back
[Re: vhenke11]
#1423122 01/19/2105:57 PM01/19/2105:57 PM
They can get through (or get trapped) any space that is a half an inch or more.
What kind of cage did you order?
Our first cage had smaller doors and I had to take off the bottom because it wouldn't fit through the door. It made it inconvenient for deep cleaning , but had plenty of clearance on each side and bottom once I got it in there. Since then I've gone to bigger cages like a Brisbane and congo cage. I also have a Martin's cage (for the RV) and it fits a stealth wheel (12"), but not a free runner wheel(12.5").
I use a free runner and a treadmill in both the congo and Brisbane cage with plenty of room. I use the stealth wheel and a treadmill in the martins cage.
We are getting many topics going on in this thread. You may get more feedback from other members if you start new threads for each topic. We are really looking forward to reading about your journey back into the glider world. Many things have changed, especially diets.
Be patient, and Trust your journey....
Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad
Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Hi it's been along time, I like to to come back
[Re: vhenke11]
#1423123 01/19/2106:23 PM01/19/2106:23 PM
Yes it has. It 36 H by 18 L by 15 W. I know this isn't the best cage but for now it gives her room. The bars are small I made sure.but the cage she has been living for last 2 months the lady had her in is so small she running in circles on the top. I been making her toy so when new cage here I can put them in. This cage so small I can barely take her pouch out its crazy. I think it fit the wheel now I looked at it more. Hoping once bonded we can do closet time to run around. And I am doing critter love complete. Be here I hope soon.
Last edited by vhenke11; 01/19/2106:38 PM.
Re: Hi it's been along time, I like to to come back
[Re: vhenke11]
#1423147 01/22/2101:03 AM01/22/2101:03 AM
I have a couple of Raptor wheels that i really like & they last; my oldest one is five years & still spins silently.
Until the furball learns not to bite, I wouldn't send mix signals by offering my fingers up laced with treats. Wait until she learns fingers themselves do not taste delicious, but the stuff on them is the treat. Personally, I think my Arthur believes yogurt drops grow from my fingers, but he is not my brightest one.
I think your 36x18x15 cage should be good. My travel cage is about that size & my four act happy in it for short periods, so I think your solo will be content with the space. Especially if you offer plenty out-of-cage time Speaking of which, it isn't necessary to wait until your bonded for out-of-cage play, especially since you have a nice small room. Allowing her to bounce around & come check you at her comfort. I, personally, made the most progress with this method early on.
Some gliders do not like bondingpouches. Mine dislike anything with zippers. Besides out-of-cage play, I get more bonding from removing them still in their sleeping pouch during the days & slipping my have inside to 'nap' with them. If you are having trouble transferring yours, maybe give that a try? Another trick is to offer a treat, then toss a couple more into the bonding pouch.
Don't forget, we love pictures
Last edited by Hutch; 01/22/2101:18 AM.
- Hutch
Morgana (11/15)
Arthur (11/15-3/24) Merlin (11/15-9/23) Gwynevere (11/15-4/22)
Thank you. I am not sure how to get my pictures to upload. I feel dumb lol. She seems happy. I will do room time like you say that should make her happy. I did get her in my bonding pouch this morning. And my food should be here today too yay. OK going try post pictures.
Re: Hi it's been along time, I like to to come back
[Re: vhenke11]
#1423151 01/22/2110:21 AM01/22/2110:21 AM
OK here see if these work. I made her a ball pit which looks like she loves so far. She has a fly wheel that I made sure she can't get under or flip. The big wheel I got won't fit the bars. So I saw these beautiful safe wheels called niteangel was thinking of getting it will fit my bars better. Thank you all for your help so far. I do feel bad she was kicked out of her colony and now I have her. She be my anxiety pet. I am looking for an other single female glider. But no luck yet. 😔
Last edited by vhenke11; 01/22/2109:30 PM.
Re: Hi it's been along time, I like to to come back
[Re: vhenke11]
#1423168 01/25/2112:37 AM01/25/2112:37 AM
You have a cute set-up. Might I recommend you give her a couple of places to perch on that you can place near the top? I often place a couple fleece triangle hammocks in the corners & find mine on them all the time. Gliders seem to like the higher vantage points for watching the outside world.
Thank you, Ok I can do that. I didnt put anything at top for sitting since she seems to run on the top. The ball pit is such a big hit. I am not sure if she uses the fly wheel thing or not. But I did show her ow to use it. https://photos.app.goo.gl/eM4JFZg8dYoZsxMJ6 Suki in ball pit. ðŸ˜ðŸ˜Š
Last edited by vhenke11; 01/25/2109:02 PM.
Re: Hi it's been along time, I like to to come back
[Re: vhenke11]
#1423187 01/26/2110:11 PM01/26/2110:11 PM