ok i just fed the gliders and i noticed Thor's tail is swolen red, and almost bloody looking! i think it broken!! i need help! here is a picture. i am looking up emergency vet clinics in the area. i am in San Antonio off of Fredericksburg Rd, if there is anyone that knows of a clinic or something near here please respond asap!!!! PLEASE!!
Jessi owned 6 suggies: Thor & Sophie, Sora & Riku, Kairi & Malachai 3 cats: Toboe, Data, and Maleficent
I'll love you forever Doyle ?/?/05-9/7/10, Nicodemus (rat) 11/6/10-6/25/11, Akasha (cat) 7/15/08-10/23/11
While your locating a vet, make sure you keep him wrapped up or get him into an ecolar! Keep him warm by putting him in your shirt. I will see what I can find for you.
[Re: LSardou]
#658383 10/18/0812:01 AM10/18/0812:01 AM
He needs to be seen ASAP from what the picture looks like there could be possible necrosis at the end of his tail. How long has this been like this? Do you know if he has been chewing on it or one of his cage mates? It's IMPORTANT right now to get him into an ecollar or wrapped up like a burrito so that he doesn't do any more damage to it. Texas Vets Not sure if these are withing your area.
[Re: chattrbabe]
#658387 10/18/0812:05 AM10/18/0812:05 AM
I looks pretty bad. Until you find a vet make sure he doesn't make it worse by trying to groom himself or bother it. And make sure you separate him from the others to prevent more injury. Try to keep him warm and calm. Stress alone can make it worse. I hope you can find a vet soon. Good luck. My thoughts are with you. Keep us updated.
[Re: ]
#658394 10/18/0812:11 AM10/18/0812:11 AM
there are two and one of them wont see him. the other said they can see him but they dont have ecollars and there is nothing they can do for him till the specialist get there at 8am. and she is only in training/study to be a exotic spicalist.
Jessi owned 6 suggies: Thor & Sophie, Sora & Riku, Kairi & Malachai 3 cats: Toboe, Data, and Maleficent
I'll love you forever Doyle ?/?/05-9/7/10, Nicodemus (rat) 11/6/10-6/25/11, Akasha (cat) 7/15/08-10/23/11
[Re: LSardou]
#658409 10/18/0812:39 AM10/18/0812:39 AM
I would just appear at the emergency vet clinic; they can't turn you away. I think any vet could treat an open wound like that. There are instructions for an e-collar here: How to Make an E-Collar. The key is to make sure he doesn't attack his tail any further or try to groom it. My guess is he's in pain, and if he is, he will continue to self mutilate to try and remove the source of the pain. Perhaps the vet can give you something for the pain as well as wrapping it. One possibility I've heard folks do, and a vet can decide if it would work, is to dress and wrap the wound and cut a large straw to wrap around it so the tail can't bend (and he won't be able to reach the tip). The tip of the tail does look necrotic, and unless treated immediately (amputated by a vet), could lead to blood poisoning and death.
Please, just drive to the open vet's office and demand immediate service. You can always follow up with a glider-knowledgeable vet tomorrow morning, but it may be too late if you wait.
After the wound is properly treated, then you can work on making and putting on the e-collar.
Forever owned in my heart by my "Eight is Enough" colony:
he is coughing and i cant get the ecollar i made for him on!! im am almost in histerics gyus please what do i do?? he keeps randomly biteing his tail but doesnt crab when he does it. oh god please what do i do??
Jessi owned 6 suggies: Thor & Sophie, Sora & Riku, Kairi & Malachai 3 cats: Toboe, Data, and Maleficent
I'll love you forever Doyle ?/?/05-9/7/10, Nicodemus (rat) 11/6/10-6/25/11, Akasha (cat) 7/15/08-10/23/11
[Re: morbidelf]
#658423 10/18/0801:38 AM10/18/0801:38 AM
Keep him on you, close to your body, if he is comfortable being with you. You must keep him warm and away from his tail. Maybe wrap him in fleece so he can't get to his tail. But he is in pain and needs treatment now.
Here's a google search of San Antonio emergency vets. I'm not sure who all you've called, but I'll start on that list and make calls for you.
Last edited by KattyM; 10/18/0801:40 AM. Reason: Added e-vet link
Forever owned in my heart by my "Eight is Enough" colony:
OK; I called the first on the list. The lady answered and they have three locations. She said anyone there could look at that wound, and they do have a specialist but not on duty tonight. There is an $80 exam fee and they'll give an estimate from there:
i just talked to the one on blanco and she said they would see him.
guys i am falling apart. this is the hardest thing i am gonna have to do. someone please take him. i have no money save for $80. and they told me that is just for the exam. he needs treatment and antibotics. he needs to live i just want him to live. please someone. anyone. i am in the middle of moving to TN. i dont get paid till next week and he isnt going to make it till then. DANGIT why isnt there a payment plan for animals?!
Last edited by morbidelf; 10/18/0801:49 AM. Reason: G rated sorry,,,
Jessi owned 6 suggies: Thor & Sophie, Sora & Riku, Kairi & Malachai 3 cats: Toboe, Data, and Maleficent
I'll love you forever Doyle ?/?/05-9/7/10, Nicodemus (rat) 11/6/10-6/25/11, Akasha (cat) 7/15/08-10/23/11
[Re: morbidelf]
#658430 10/18/0801:55 AM10/18/0801:55 AM
Some vets will work with you. When you call, ask. There are also some plans that assist, but I don't have that info readily at hand. I think it's called Care Credit. I'm in Phoenix, so I can't be of much more help. Sorry.
I just spoke with the one you just spoke with (210-822-2873). They must think there's an epidemic on self-mutilating gliders. She said they take cards, checks, Care Credit, and of course, cash. Is this something you can put on a credit card? Or do you have Care Credit?
I don't know who all is in your area, but I believe we have members who might be your neighbors. Check out the Texas State Roll Call forum and see if anyone is online who can either help you put an e-collar on or offer additional assistance.
Last edited by KattyM; 10/18/0801:58 AM.
Forever owned in my heart by my "Eight is Enough" colony:
I had this problem, too recently - it seems like 24 hour vets who will see gliders are very hard to find in parts of Texas. Is there anything we can do about that?
I am praying for your little guy, and I hope he makes it through this okay.
Also, yeah, that does look like necrosis of the tail. Cessna had that back in 2003, and the vet then at the Summertree Animal clinic (whatever happened to her? She was GREAT) helped me with her. She lived to be twelve and a half years old, so believe me your little guy may very well pull through.
And ugh, I understand about not having enough money. My local vet worked with me, and the emergency vets did a little, but they are a lot worse about not working with people who are strapped.
Hang in there.
Last edited by sandbat; 10/18/0802:32 AM.
[Re: sandbat]
#658438 10/18/0802:15 AM10/18/0802:15 AM
I have some ecollars I can mail you, I might be able to overnight them. I am in Dallas and it wouldn't take long for one to reach you. PM me for my phone number/email and I'll try and get it out to you tomorrow if you haven't gotten one by then. I'll do it for free. Just please keep an eye on him, and keep calm. Try and keep calm yourself, too...I remember panicking over Cessna, and believe me things like this are scary. Just try to breathe and remember these are hardcore little guys who can make it through a lot.
[Re: KattyM]
#658440 10/18/0802:18 AM10/18/0802:18 AM
i am taking him to the one on blanco. she said that the specialist works with the exotics at the san antonio zoo and will call him for treatment. i dont know how i am going to do this... but i have to do something.
Originally Posted By: KattyM
Some vets will work with you. When you call, ask. There are also some plans that assist, but I don't have that info readily at hand. I think it's called Care Credit. I'm in Phoenix, so I can't be of much more help. Sorry.
I just spoke with the one you just spoke with (210-822-2873). They must think there's an epidemic on self-mutilating gliders. She said they take cards, checks, Care Credit, and of course, cash. Is this something you can put on a credit card? Or do you have Care Credit?
I don't know who all is in your area, but I believe we have members who might be your neighbors. Check out the Texas State Roll Call forum and see if anyone is online who can either help you put an e-collar on or offer additional assistance.
i dont have a credit card, and i was jsut denied care credit. but i have to do someting. i will let you know what happens. god i hate to wake Vik up... he has to be at work at 6am and just fell asleep about an hour ago....
Thor is still coughing. but i have him in his favorite pouch with his binkie inside my jacket. so he is warm and comfortable for the moment i hope.
please pray for him. please dont waist your prayers on me just pray for him. pray that they can do someting for him.....
Jessi owned 6 suggies: Thor & Sophie, Sora & Riku, Kairi & Malachai 3 cats: Toboe, Data, and Maleficent
I'll love you forever Doyle ?/?/05-9/7/10, Nicodemus (rat) 11/6/10-6/25/11, Akasha (cat) 7/15/08-10/23/11
[Re: morbidelf]
#658443 10/18/0802:26 AM10/18/0802:26 AM
Sending big-time prayers and your way to both of you. That's easy enough, and I have an endless supply of both!
Once treated, he'll pull through and be right as rain in no time. After this storm passes, you can think about what might've led to this behavior and what you maybe can do about it.
Good luck!
Forever owned in my heart by my "Eight is Enough" colony:
well the doc said that his tail is necrosic(sp?) and will need to be removed...... guys all i had the money for was the amoxi drops and the exam... she was kind enough to give him a shot of pain killer on the house.... just with that it was $96. for everything it was gonna be about $600... which i dont have and i was denied care credit. do yall have any ideas?? are there loans for this kinda thing??? she said he could make a full recovery if i get this in time!
Jessi owned 6 suggies: Thor & Sophie, Sora & Riku, Kairi & Malachai 3 cats: Toboe, Data, and Maleficent
I'll love you forever Doyle ?/?/05-9/7/10, Nicodemus (rat) 11/6/10-6/25/11, Akasha (cat) 7/15/08-10/23/11
[Re: morbidelf]
#658452 10/18/0806:17 AM10/18/0806:17 AM
It cost me around $300 to have the tip of a glider's tail amputated and she's doing fine six months later. Do you have an e-collar on to stop him from continuing to chew on his tail? Keep him separate from the other gliders too. Why don't you call to see if any vet offers a more reasonable price for this surgery? He has to have this treatment or he won't make it. Hopefully someone will be able to help you further. I'm so sorry to hear about Thor.
Moira & Matty & my zoo
[Re: mattysmom]
#658461 10/18/0806:54 AM10/18/0806:54 AM
The entire tail does not need to be removed - just about an inch up from the swelling. Any vet can do this - it doesn't have to be a vet with glider experience. I went through this with my Darwin this past February. I know how terrifying it is, but try to relax... I've put in a call to try to get you some help...
Shawna had to leave the house for an emergency. But, she is in Austin. She has an extra cage. Her vet is open til 2 today. She WILL take your little one and get treatment today. Please call me at 806-274-9177 and I can give you some instructions and set ya up with Shawna. I am on the phone with her right now. She has to deal with some stuff, but will be free in a few hours.
~~ Val B ~~ 806-803-0318 Daily giving the abused, unloved, unwanted and neglected SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN