My little girl had to be separated from her boyfriend because he was hurting her. Now she has overgroomed both her sides and her arm all the way down to the wrist! I have a new baby coming home in a week to pair her with but both vets I have taken her to have been no help. I have tried Quick Derm and all she does is sit there for hours licking it off. I tried an E Collar and she gets right out of it. I tried an E Jacket from Diane and she got out of that too. I am going to try Vetericyn VF tommorow as soon as I get it but I am at my wits end! I love her so much and I am worried about her. I have 4 others who are fine and I'm not a newby but I have never had one that has done this. How do I help her or stop her? Any advice is so appreciated!!
Last edited by SugarBabiesAZ; 12/12/1111:02 PM.
Jennifer Mama of 10 Sly & Jolene, Malibu, Cosette, Bruce Lee & Beatrice Carter & Charlie Joe Friday & Chuck Norris and very much missed ones, Skipper & Sarah went over the
If the over grooming is from stress... I would not put an e-collar on this glider as it will only create more stress.
Need to address the problem.
1) seperate the female from the male ASAP.
2) suggest a skin scraping by the vet and have it sent off to a lab. Also, vet then could look under a microscope for skin mites which can be treated with Ivomectin. I alos suggest a fecal check for possible parrisites and bacterial issue.
4) with a skin problem you want to prevent a skin infection. vet may perscribe a anti inflamatory med such as medicam to reduce the irritation to her skin.
If the over grooming is from stress... I would not put an e-collar on this glider as it will only create more stress.
Need to address the problem.
1) seperate the female from the male ASAP.
2) suggest a skin scraping by the vet and have it sent off to a lab. Also, vet then could look under a microscope for skin mites which can be treated with Ivomectin. I alos suggest a fecal check for possible parrisites and bacterial issue.
4) with a skin problem you want to prevent a skin infection. vet may perscribe a anti inflamatory med such as medicam to reduce the irritation to her skin.
Yes I have been in touch with Ash. I am taking her over there tomorrow for help with the E Collar. I have separated her from the boy. That was a long time ago. She has done this since being separated. And she has been to two vets for a check. She does not have parasites.
Jennifer Mama of 10 Sly & Jolene, Malibu, Cosette, Bruce Lee & Beatrice Carter & Charlie Joe Friday & Chuck Norris and very much missed ones, Skipper & Sarah went over the
Not being snarky; I'm genuinely curious. The glider is already on her own, that has caused the overgrooming. As the OP said... Her mate was harming her, hence she was taken away. THEN the overgrooming began.
Of COURSE the ecollar will stress her out. It's foreign to her, out of the norm, and will be preventing her from doing what she's used to, including her overgrooming.
I fail to see what harm the ecollar would do. :? It will be keeping her from further harming herself. Isn't that a good thing???
There's no guarantee that this little girl is overgrooming BECAUSE she's alone or because she was separated from her mate. Hence Judie making her post above. There are several things that need to be checked and at this point, it's very possible she can continue, with the right treatment, without an ecollar. And, maybe not...but there are several other things that need to be looked at before just tossing her into one.
I agree, avenues need to be explored. But in the mean time, an e collar would be great in helping deter this glider from worsening her wound. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and in this case the glider would be prevented from worsening what's already not pretty.
Considering it's apparently on both sides AND the ribs.. and looks like a skinned chicken to me, I think it's pretty bad. I'm hoping this baby will keep the ecollar on and that with a vet's help, this lil girl will get better quick. OP... Have a long talk with her mate to behave with other gliders and have a long talk with this baby and tell her to quit it... Then give her worms. She'll thank you.
Re: Over grooming Help Please!!
[Re: ]
#1203397 12/11/1111:15 PM12/11/1111:15 PM
I'll be praying for your baby tonight. I hope she will recover and be back to her normal self soon.
Sending lots of hugs and positive thoughts your way
I know the lovely people here are more than willing to help babies no matter what. Thats why I love this community...
Good Luck
"Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy."
Haha Thanks Megs. I have talked to them both! He completely understands ;-) she however thinks she is boss and there fore yes I think the E collar is unfortunately necessary. To the other posters, I have tried all other avenues. She has gone to 2 different vets, both have tested her and she has no parasites or other infections. This is something she is doing to herself. I am taking the precautions I think that will stop her from doing it. She is not self mutilated just over grooming but it is bad enough to the point I can't just let it go.
Jennifer Mama of 10 Sly & Jolene, Malibu, Cosette, Bruce Lee & Beatrice Carter & Charlie Joe Friday & Chuck Norris and very much missed ones, Skipper & Sarah went over the
What I am seeing is not what we consider "over grooming". That IS self mutilation. She has caused open wounds. Over grooming is just where there is hair missing. It appears this is one of those times where the over grooming has lead to self mutilation.
What MUST be done is what ever it takes to prevent further damage even if that means holding this glider 24/7. She needs vet care, antibiotics (most likely) and pain meds.
PLEASE call Bourbon or Val and ask for their help with this little one. What she has going on (as shown in that photo) can turn life threatening in a very short time.
Any infection can very quickly go systemic. The self mutilation can go very bad very quickly too.
That photo leaves me frightened for that little girl.
620-704-9109 Judge not until you have walked in their shoes and lived their lives. What you see online is only part of the story.
I could have missed the pain But I'd of had to miss the dance
The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears.
Re: Over grooming Help Please!!
[Re: Dancing]
#1203406 12/11/1111:42 PM12/11/1111:42 PM
Poor Baby, and Poor You... I didnt see the pic until now (DUH!) I am glad you are working with people here that will help her (and you)....
Prayers and Best Wishes...
"Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy."
For starts Judie's advice is not that far off base, has anyone watched this glider to see if she is indeed doing all of this herself? ashley please give me a call, i got some things i want to discuss with you.
Sorry, but I too missed the photo so I was unaware of there being a wound.
Is the wound from her mate?
She still needs more than an ointment. She should be on an antibiotic along with anti inflamitory meds.
The hair loss thing... does she stay inside her pouch alot? I ask because sometimes.... gliders will rub the hair off... especially if the pouch is rather snug fitting.
The OP says in her posts that this baby started overgrooming and it got to this point all AFTER being taken away from her mate who had hurt her. I, too, worry about this going systemic. Septicemia isn't something only resigned to animals; it happens to humans too and when septicemia sets in, the prospects of a full recovery for more than 3-6 months are low for humans. For a tiny creature like a glider, I can't imagine there being much hope. I so badly want to hug you right now OP.
My little girl had to be separated from her boyfriend because he was hurting her. Now she has overgroomed both her sides and her arm all the way down to the wrist!
Actually, it says the SM started after the injury.
OP- I hope your baby stops hurting herself! Maybe even ask your vet about a pain killer? Gliders will SM worse when they are in pain. When we had a female split her belly open this summer, our vet gave us an ointment to put on it that is usually used for burns. She said it was both antibacterial and soothing to the injury. It really worked wonders for us! GL
Thank you to everyone for your advice! I appreciate it very much. I am taking her over to Ashley tonight so she can help me. Also she will be going back to the vet. I don't want anyone to think I have ignored this. She has been to 2 different vets (both supposed to be exotic) and one gave me cream the other oral antibiotics. I have used them both. The oral antibiotics were given for the ten days as prescribed and that was over about 2 weeks ago. It just hasn't helped. That is why I posted here! I am going to do whatever it takes to save her and make her better!
Jennifer Mama of 10 Sly & Jolene, Malibu, Cosette, Bruce Lee & Beatrice Carter & Charlie Joe Friday & Chuck Norris and very much missed ones, Skipper & Sarah went over the
"Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy."
She is still the same I haven't gotten over to Ash's yet for the E Collar. I am going as soon as I get off work. She is about 40 miles from me so its going to be a drive. Malibu has another vet appt first thing in the AM. I am trying yet another one. This one is from this site though and I asked alot of questions about if they treat sugars and such. The lady seemed to know what she was talking about so we'll see how it goes. If I have to take her to 10 different doctors to find out what's wrong or how to heal her I will! I appreciate everyone's support though! I will keep you all posted.
Last edited by SugarBabiesAZ; 12/12/1104:40 PM.
Jennifer Mama of 10 Sly & Jolene, Malibu, Cosette, Bruce Lee & Beatrice Carter & Charlie Joe Friday & Chuck Norris and very much missed ones, Skipper & Sarah went over the
You're a good mommy... I am praying for both of you I am glad you are taking her to yet another vet.
Just because a vet is willing to work on a suggie does not mean they have experience with suggies...
Its good that you have a list of questions for them before you take her in to see if it will be a waste of time/energy/MONEY bringing her in there.
I'm hoping it is more than sounding like they know what they are talking about... for both of you... Keep us posted honey
"Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy."
So a quick update. I took Malibu to Miss Ashley and let me tell you what a god send she is! She has Malibu in her E Collar and she did surprising well. I left her there for the night and Ashley is going to take her to her vet tomorrow to make sure we get the right meds. Ashley is confident her wounds will heal. The picture makes it looks alot worse than it is. It feels like having to leave your kid at the hospital, even though you know their in good hands it still breaks your heart!
Jennifer Mama of 10 Sly & Jolene, Malibu, Cosette, Bruce Lee & Beatrice Carter & Charlie Joe Friday & Chuck Norris and very much missed ones, Skipper & Sarah went over the
Thanks for the update. Glad you have Ash to help you. Didn't I say she totally rocks!?? I wuv her! I'm sure Malibu is going to be great. You've got a great helper and from what I hear Ash's vet is about as awesome as her. XD
UPDATE again. Malibu went to the vet today with Ash. Her vet is awesome! She thinks that most of the damage was caused by an allergic reation to the other meds she was given and then she did the rest herself. Not a typical SM case!! Thank goodness. Ash is keeping her for about the next week. She will get the care she needs plus if anything bad happens Ashley is right there by the vet where as I am about 40 miles away. I can't express enough how grateful I am to have someone like Ashley taking care of my smooches!! She is truly an amazing person with a special heart! I miss my baby terribly especially with her empty house right here but I know she's in good hands! God bless you Ashley and quick recovery for my Miss Malibu so she'll come home soon! On another note, Ashley sent me a text saying how much Malibu likes to have her nose rubbed and she is the sweetest glider she has ever seen! That was such a great compliment! I spend hours with her everyday and she is such a love bug! She is why my obsession began haha. Thanks to everyone!
Last edited by SugarBabiesAZ; 12/13/1110:21 PM.
Jennifer Mama of 10 Sly & Jolene, Malibu, Cosette, Bruce Lee & Beatrice Carter & Charlie Joe Friday & Chuck Norris and very much missed ones, Skipper & Sarah went over the
Re: Over grooming Help Please!!---UPDATE
[Re: SugarBabiesAZ]
#1204282 12/13/1110:52 PM12/13/1110:52 PM
Thank you Ashley for being such a wonderful person..
You must remember to give her back
"Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy."