Kara had a distinct diamond like marking of black hair on the top of her head. It was the way to differentiate her and Lilo with their black stripes. She seemed to like me rubbing her head ever so gently a month or so ago when she fell asleep in my hand. The past week it looks like hair has become a little thinner on her head. It's not a bald spot(yet). Looking at the grey hair and black hair around that area I can tell a different texture and thickness with the hair. It's almost like.. A shedding pattern when animals shed a winter coat, etc. The black around her ears on the top seems to have thinned out a little bit too. I checked and I think she's still a female so I don't think she turned into a male all of a sudden. :-b I took a napkin and put a little bit of warm water and gently stroked the top of her head and she liked it. I wanted to make sure there was no food maybe matted into her hair that caused her to want to over groom or maybe Lilo was grooming her head a little too much. We'll see if it get worse or better. She seems fine otherwise. What could this be?
Kara Lilo Yuki Roxie Princess Buttercup
Current Research, Studies & Resources
Re: Hair loss on female's head?
[Re: kidqwik]
#1409831 05/12/1701:39 PM05/12/1701:39 PM
Yes, I will take one when I get home from work and post it. It seems her black diamond isn't as pronounced and the points thinner and her hair almost looks like a lighter grey. Maybe I'm just imagining things with the lighter grey part. Part of me wonders of me rubbing the top of her head with my finger in the past made her b like "eww, gross, he touched me, must clean it all off!"
When your gliders wake up at night do they stretch their legs and webbings and start grooming and scratching here and there? Mine seem to do this once they wake up, and after they do that for a while then they get into running on the wheel like crazy and playing with each other.
Kara Lilo Yuki Roxie Princess Buttercup
Re: Hair loss on female's head?
[Re: kidqwik]
#1409833 05/12/1702:08 PM05/12/1702:08 PM
Oh yeah... Mine love to stretch! Very typical behavior here.
Haha, yes! They hang upside down on the ledges of the cage, spread their membrane out and then do this what seems like a vibration thing with their whole body and then start grooming. When I first got them and they were scratching under their legs, etc I thought they were might have some kind of mites or something, but then I got used to them doing this whenever they woke up. I guess it reminded me of when I wake up in the morning. I eat, shower, then start my day. They usually wake up, stretch, clean themselves, eat some, then go to the gym on the wheel forever.
Kara Lilo Yuki Roxie Princess Buttercup
Re: Hair loss on female's head?
[Re: KarenE]
#1409847 05/13/1707:15 AM05/13/1707:15 AM
That looks like just simple over grooming and not lots of hair loss at this point. Could be one or both are doing this. I would just watch and see if it continues.
I agree with Karen, it doesn't look bad. I have seen a lot worse.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the