Some gliders take much longer than others to
bond. I got all four of mine at the same time when they were about nine weeks old & they have each connected with me in different ways & amounts of time. Honestly, I still don’t consider Arthur or Merlin fully
bonded; Arthur will still nip occasionally. My Gwynevere is the only one I trust completely to come find me if I lose track of her & this is after 15 months. (& she’ll still nip when moody.)
It takes a lot of time, patience, & interaction. Bribery helps too, I used a lot of treats early on & still probably use more than I should the nights we can’t play, but it lets them know good things happen when I am around & they come to me.
You’re doing the right things. You can also talk to her when she’s in the cage (I read out loud when I first had mine for several months while I sat very near the cage) & give treats through the bars. Mine seem to really enjoy pouch cuddle time ( I take their sleeping pouch out during the day, rest it on my chest in my recliner, & slip my hand in). They usually make room for it or I’ll just cup them gently. Start with a fist if they nip too much until they adjust.
Lastly (& hardest) is you have to show Lilly that biting does no good. Don’t pull away & even if you flinch, go right back in. That last time Merlin chewed on me during pouch time, instead of taking my hand away I scooped him up & pulled him out. The look on his face was priceless!