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Water Pasta, The Farming Life, and Different Colored Thumbs
03/15/18 05:29 AM
03/15/18 05:29 AM
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billytense aka Lisa11
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If there is ever a contest for "click-bait" style forum posts,I'm going to enter and most likely win...(  ) Anywho, I bought a pool noodle (pink of course) and hung it lengthwise from the ceiling on a swivel bolt. Wow, the girls love it! they race up and down and bite at it. I think the noise it makes gets them going, I don't know. I'm thinking of getting another one and splitting it lengthwise and widening the hole in the center so that they can use that but I can still see where they are. any thoughts? Also I started a meal worm farm! I watched about a dozen videos and took the best parts. So far so good. I will update as impending disasters take place. Lastly I bought a rose bush, lilac bush and some grape vines. My question is how do I take care of these things until the weather permits me to plant them? There doesn't seem to be any directions on that. I am keeping them in the glider room where is is warm and taking them out so the girls don't eat the buds. They are wrapped up nice and tight and I imagine they are made to last a while in the store but any help here would be great, I am not very good with plants. If plants could be over hydrated and get fat, mine would all be obese.
Great googley moogley
Re: Water Pasta, The Farming Life, and Different Colored Thumbs
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
03/15/18 05:52 AM
03/15/18 05:52 AM
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I'm on my phone, so I'll answer like this: #1 pool noodle: I saw those out yesterday and was curious if I could somehow incorporate them as bridges. As far as tunnels, I'm not sure. They do make extra large ones, I might be concerned about asfixiation. Especially if gliders are comming from 2 directions and meet in the middle. Another member, Two dogs found some clear ducting. I'm not sure how that went. I think it was 5 or 6" in diameter. Air holes may have to be put in it. Also there is the potty poo to clean out.
#2 mealworm farm: I would love to have one! Not sure how much space they take up, but while traveling, mine farm needs to be portable. Keep us posted on how that works out for you. Fresh mealworms would be awesome!
#3 plants: You glider room is too warm. They need to be stored in a cool place, but not a frozen place.if you have a garage,store in a cardboard box off the concrete floor. Your neck of the woods, my guess is mid to end of April, unless the ground defrosts before then. They shouldn't be allowed to dry out, and shouldn't get too wet before they are put in the ground. Once in the ground, protect from hard frost with a covering. Hope this helps.
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Water Pasta, The Farming Life, and Different Colored Thumbs
[Re: Ladymagyver]
03/15/18 10:23 AM
03/15/18 10:23 AM
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sounds very interesting.
The only concern I have with the pool noodles is the biting and possibly swallowing small pieces because those will not digest and could cause blockage when trying to be passed through the intestines which are teeny tiny.
Be sure to check those noodles carefully for signs there are pieces missing
Re: Water Pasta, The Farming Life, and Different Colored Thumbs
[Re: KarenE]
03/17/18 04:02 AM
03/17/18 04:02 AM
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billytense aka Lisa11
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Thanks for the plant advice Lady M. I don't understand how to take care of plants and the fact that every plant I buy slowly dies proves it. I'm hoping that these outdoor things will do ok so i can have nice fresh treats for the girls.
The meal worm farm is thriving..(I think). All I did was take a steralite container, $4 at big lots, $6 at home depot or almost free at garage sales. and put about two to three inches of Quaker oats in the bottom. You can go cheaper but you would have to steralize them in the oven and I was too impatient. Then I dumped in three containers of the worms from the cooler at the pet store. Then you lay down some vegetable like carrot, potato or banana peel on top and cover it with an egg carton. The steralite lids fit well but not air tight so I didn't drill air holes yet but I will when it gets bigger. I check it every morning and night and the worms are getting huge and molting fast. I guess they molt three or so times then harden up to transform into a beatle. When you find a pupae (sp?) you have to pick it out and place it in a second container. The second container needs a screen bottom and gets placed on top of the first container.It also gets two to three inches of oats. When the beatles make sweet sweet beatle love, the eggs drop down to the first container through the screen and worms are made. There is a little more to it as having multiple first containers and getting rid of waste and watching for mold etc. but for now I'm just waiting for some beatles. The hardest part is cutting a rectangle in the bottom of the container without cracking it. I used a dremel but there are many options. Then all you have to do is caulk or hot glue some screen down and you are done, they reccomend metal screen so again , i salvaged one from someone's garbage and boom, free stuff.
The noodles are a HUGE hit. Probably the most popular thing I have gotten them since the wodent wheel. (which by the way, because of the "help me find a wheel" post. the wodent wheel is getting retired as I ordered a new one off of the website ya'll listed. (Pink of course) Yes they do bite it but only every millionth bite removes a bit and that falls on the floor, it is very hard to bite through...I tried.. The noise is awesome and the thumps of their little feet scampering across is adorable. I actually broke a sweat tonight playing with the girls and adjusting the noodle. I hooked up each end to a glider elevator and was trying to get the weight right so that it acted as a resetting see saw. I got pretty close and I didn't lack for volunteers. I was so busy that I failed to notice the tell-tale movement as wendy launched herself at my head but thankfully I turned around just in time to get a face full of glider. It's funny how your brain only processes that last image of a glider fully stretched out heading for your eyes, claws out.. and I think maybe a little tiny smile on her itty bitty mouth...
ok tonight was awesome, really needed that. I hope eveyone is well, Happy ST. Patrick's day. (It's a bartender's least favorite holiday BTW.)
Last edited by billytense aka Lisa11; 03/17/18 04:05 AM.
Great googley moogley
Re: Water Pasta, The Farming Life, and Different Colored Thumbs
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
03/17/18 06:44 AM
03/17/18 06:44 AM
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 yay! I'm glad the fun noodles are a hit! I'll have to get a couple and give them a try.  You are right about the visual you remember of a face hug! Just so you know, even good garedeners fail from time to time. Google your area for any good suggestions, or look on Pinterest. I talked to my mom-in-law who lives in Ohio. She said it could be May before the plants could be put out. I have one small concern about the elevator. Tails and feet. Hopefully they only hop on to go down, not up. I still love the idea though. Hubby wants to make and obstacle course for the girls. If you Google squirrel obstacle course, or go to Utube, you'll see what I mean. This would only be supervised play, and not all obstacles are squirrel or glider safe. Especially the slingshot.
Last edited by Ladymagyver; 03/17/18 06:49 AM.
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Water Pasta, The Farming Life, and Different Colored Thumbs
[Re: Ladymagyver]
03/17/18 06:27 PM
03/17/18 06:27 PM
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Especially the slingshot.
This is me... scheming. "Oh, Arthur..!"
Re: Water Pasta, The Farming Life, and Different Colored Thumbs
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
03/23/18 08:52 AM
03/23/18 08:52 AM
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So,Billy, how are the swim noodles holding up?
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Water Pasta, The Farming Life, and Different Colored Thumbs
[Re: Ladymagyver]
03/23/18 10:23 AM
03/23/18 10:23 AM
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billytense aka Lisa11
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I am amazed at how they are stil interested in the noodle. I still need to tinker with it but they seem to enjoy the shock factor that it occasionallly moves when they land. And they are chewing the heck out of it! They just grab a mouthful and toss it. I bought them a dozen rozes and stuck them in the end of the noodle and they went on a destructive rampage. About the plants, they are wrapped up pretty tight, I have them in the garage on a table but do they need water squirted in there? I imagine that they were made to sit on the shelves for a while but until may? I didn't know if they hibernated or not.
Also I've been trying to find an irrisistable snack that I can use to "train " the girls to jump to me, or come when I call, anything really. But nothing so far seems to hold their interest and is convinient enough to carry and feed the multiple times. I could cut mealies into pieces but that would be super messy and hard to manage, any thoughts?
Great googley moogley
Re: Water Pasta, The Farming Life, and Different Colored Thumbs
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
03/23/18 02:35 PM
03/23/18 02:35 PM
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You could use yoggies. They have real tiny ones at
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet  T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon  TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Water Pasta, The Farming Life, and Different Colored Thumbs
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
03/24/18 01:48 AM
03/24/18 01:48 AM
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billytense aka Lisa11
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I will try some. I have tried everything mentioned here but to no avail. But each little "fuzzerd" (my word, fuzzbutt and nerd) is a puzzle i guess. I was going to write y'all tonight with the intent of asking for interpretation help. Even though I got my butt kicked for eight hour straight behind the bar, I stll came home, made dinner and set out to play for an hour. But when I let the ladies out of the cage they were all over me. Normally Lucy is off doing her own thing and barely acknowledges me except if I'm waving a mealie around. she and Wendy were up and down me like it was their job. So I thought, well this is great, they finally love me and want to just play and chase each other on me....
oh, no, that wasn't it at all..... See Wendy has had the priveledge of leaving the room with me to do short tasks, like get water for the humidifier, brush my teeth, change into a hoodie, etc. We sometimes even go to the bedroom and I let her explore while I read a little and she pretty much lets me know when she is done and hops right on. The few times I have taken Lucy there, she never wants to leave and i only catch her by being lucky. Wendyis always very good and stays on my head or therabouts. So I think she knows that now and bragged about it to wendy. So Wendy's thought process was well, if I just hang on to this dude, he's gotta leave sometime and I'll just tag along. It was all about the jailbreak. Lucy even let me pet her a little more than normal to really sell the whole thing. Smart little monkeys.
Great googley moogley
Re: Water Pasta, The Farming Life, and Different Colored Thumbs
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
04/11/18 05:28 AM
04/11/18 05:28 AM
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I was gonna post about mealie farming here, but I think we need to start a new topix, not sure where to it should go. Feather, Karen?
I did build a mini farm, but I think my mealies are too old. Pet stores seem to be out of them right now around me.
Billy tense, how are your plants holding up? The weather still isn't warm enough for new plantings in your area. According to my Ohio family, the ground keeps turning white.
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Water Pasta, The Farming Life, and Different Colored Thumbs
[Re: Ladymagyver]
04/11/18 08:57 AM
04/11/18 08:57 AM
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I was gonna post about mealie farming here, but I think we need to start a new topix, not sure where to it should go. Feather, Karen?
Diet & Nutrition Topics discussed in this forum include sugar glider diet plans and ingredients, nutrient need, food discussions, and preferences.
I'm thinking that is where it would be best suited 
Re: Water Pasta, The Farming Life, and Different Colored Thumbs
[Re: Ladymagyver]
04/11/18 09:15 AM
04/11/18 09:15 AM
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billytense aka Lisa11
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Yes, white, indeed. Yuk. My plants are ok I think. I put the lilac and grape in some top soil and some water and they have been holding steady in the garage. The rose bush is still in it's bag sleeping I assume.
Great googley moogley
Re: Water Pasta, The Farming Life, and Different Colored Thumbs
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
05/25/18 06:35 AM
05/25/18 06:35 AM
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Yes, white, indeed. Yuk. My plants are ok I think. I put the lilac and grape in some top soil and some water and they have been holding steady in the garage. The rose bush is still in it's bag sleeping I assume. So how's the planting going? How's the mealworm farm? And are your fun noodles holding up?
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Water Pasta, The Farming Life, and Different Colored Thumbs
[Re: Ladymagyver]
06/01/18 12:17 AM
06/01/18 12:17 AM
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billytense aka Lisa11
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Hi everyone! this will be long.... I finally have a day off that doesn't include too much drama, a death in the family, a near record-breaking road trip, stupid yard work, surprise work shifts, car issues, a lost glider, or mental instability. Well I'm not 100% sure about the mental stability one but I shall sally forth. Wendy is scampering around my room right now in almost pitch black. I can hear her and her curious little paws moving throughout the area I think she feels most comfortable in. It's filled with my furniture from all other parts of the house and drawers and boxes and clothes since I haven't been able to finish the remodel since golf season started. It's where she was kept in her tiny little cage for the first month or so that I got her and it's where we first practiced jumping and crawling (and falling). It's a nice feeling to have her come over periodically and check in with me. I like having her all over the place knowing that there isn't going to be a nibble or a bite, just scratches (from the nails I still can't cut) and moist nose tickles. Today while I'm finishing this she gave herself a long thourough bath in my lap then crawled into the pocket on my cargo shorts to fall asleep, she's never done that and I am just melting a little. My present situation is as such. One madagascar cage containing wendy. One Congo cage containing Pricilla. and another cage of equal size containing George and Wheezy, an un-neutered breeding pair. (there is no actual issue of wheezing, it's from the Jeffersons) Lucy, one of the original two gliders and the actual first glider I had, died in a bad accident in my home that was my fault. It was pretty traumatic and unfortunately is going to be something that I never forget as long as I live. I panicked in the days following and jumped at the first reasonably close glider sale I could find. I should of known by the missed texts, and vague responses. I was promised vet records, dob, etc and got nothing but two gliders in poor hygiene in the smelliest pouch ever. I obviously wasn't thinking right either. When I introduced Lucy and Wendy they were both so young and new to me and my house that they took to each other immediately. When I tried to introduce Wendy to the new couple it was an immediate and loud disaster. After weeks of switching pouches and parking the cages close together I let Wendy run around the room and when she got close enough to the new female's cage, the new female reached out and grabbed her and held her. They were both crabbing more like shrieking and when I tried to separate them I got my first honest to goodness skin breaking, blood gushing bite. Funny thing is I think it was wendy who bit me but I'm not sure. I tried twice more but the same thing happened. Wendy would still like to keep trying, I guess she kind of has a thing for the male and of course if they are in the room together he splits his time between his mate and showing off his manliness to wendy. I eventually had to move them (the couple) to a different room so that everyone could relax and enjoy playtime. So now I was worried again about having a single glider. I played with her every night and morning and we napped together and basically did as much as possible but I saw her change little by little. She began to chew on stuff and she seemed bored running around the room no matter how much I changed it. About this time I read a post here from a lady in FLA that needed to re-home her glider Pricilla. Again, not really thinking straight I agreed to meet her half way in the hopes that Pricilla would make a suitable cage mate for wendy. It was during a two week period when I only had one day off but I really wanted Wendy to be part of a happy pair. Pricilla is five and wendy is just under a year. Lynn from florida is crazier about her gliders than I am and we both drove seven and a half hours to meet for ten minutes at a gas station to help this little fuzzbutt. We spoke on the phone a few times and It was so nice and refreshing to talk to another person who has gliders. I could of talked to her everyday. Lynn could probably be considered the most prepared glider owner ever. I had already ordered yet another cage and Lynn delivered every thing a glider slave could want and more. She basically filled my car up with pouches, snacks, food, decorations, emergency supplies, trinkets, puzzels, wheels etc. It would of taken me several years to amass such a collection. Not to mention that every piece of fleece was washed and folded neatly... and there were like a hundred of those. Pricilla ended up being a real sweetheart. She was very afraid at first but by day two or three she was taking treat out of my hand and soon she was being let out of the cage and using me as her base of operations. I'm able to pet her now and she will come whenever I put my hand out but we are still not really bonded. Again I switched pouches over and over, I even switched cages once. But when I let wendy out of her cage all she did was slink around and try to sneak up on pricilla. Wendy would spend all of her play time covering up wherever pricilla had been, either with body rubs, head rubs (which is weird because I don't think they have a scent gland there for girls) or saliva with chewing or slobbering on stuff. She would even emit the dreded skunk smell from time to time. Luckily I'm one of those weirdos that it doesn't bother me too much. Wendy would poke her head out of her pouch and just sit and watch pricilla go about her day. Pricilla really couldn't seem to care at all. When I let her out she would occasionally check out wendy's cage but wendy would chase her away from within. During these exchanges there were no crabbing noises at all just very focused chasing. Always little wendy chasing pricilla who was bigger and older. Well naive me thought that after a while an introduction was in order so I set it up in the nuetral bathroom and put out a clean pouch and picked a time when I knew both gliders were sleepy. At first I had hope they were each exploring the bathroom but not noticing each other, then wendy saw pricilla and as I tried my best to hold her back she got through and they litterally balled up on my shoulder and tumbled to the ground. This time there was plenty of crabbing and although I was pretty scared I let it go on for about three seconds hoping that it would just end and they would reconcile. That didn't happen and they were damn difficult to separate too. I finally got them apart and the only injury was a tiny scratch on pricillas ear. So now I have the couple (who are going in for a check up and a neutering on the fouth) and two ladies who don't get along. Not even a little bit. So I guess I will be in the market for another glider or two as soon as everyone is bonded nicely. I just don't know what to do sometimes. I am not sure about the final temperment of the breeding pair. I cleaned them up and fed them good fresh food and now they are much happier but we havent' had enough bonding time so there is much work to be done there. I don't really want three different groups of gliders that need separate playtimes and rooms. But I don't see everyone getting along any time soon either. Wendy is very attached to me and is very adament about marking me especially if I've played with other gliders or any animal for that matter. I guess that's where some of the hostility comes into play as she probably doesn't want to share me with another glider. Pricilla doesn't mark me at all but just hangs out and is still exploring the house and all it's wonders. I now wheel one cage out of the room and let the other glider have the run of the place for an hour or so. It seems to be less distracting but wendy is still concentrating on covering up instead of foraging or playing. I think I have been pretty good about keeping the male away from the female when she is in heat but it seems that this cycle is either non-existent or late. The memorial day holiday was four days of open to close work so maybe I missed it, maybe she's already preggers, I don't know. I also worry about wendy obsessing over new pricilla so much that she doesn't seem to eat as much. Pricilla eats like a tiny adorable horse mostly finishing off almost everything I give her. The couple are another story, their tastes seem to change day by day. I used to come home and greet them first with a bit of honey on a chop stick but they stopped showing interest in that, now it's a little yogurt treat. Pricilla is very fond of yogurt covered rasins I think, yogurt chips and dried meal worms. Wendy still loves her mealies and not much else. The Pool Noodles aka Water pasta are still an ongoing favorite toy for everyone. They dig in and use all their strength to tear them apart and when I get the chance I will bury treats in the holes. The meal worm farm was doing really well, then I knocked over the stack of boxes and ever since I rebuilt, it's difficult to say exactly where I am. Also I have gotten some really bad containers of regular mealies from the store as of late. I got four plastic boxes with lids from big lots or a craft store I forget. the mealies went in one with about an inch of oats in the bottom. I put slices of carrot or potato in sporadically when ever the previous slice dried out. It' important that your feed is not too wet, freshly slice potatoes are so I stuck to carrots and sweet potatoes with the occasional experimenta addition of a random vegetable. The mealies eat and get big and plump, then they make a cocoon, when this happens they get moved, one by one to another container with another inch of oats in the bottom . This container however has a nice metal screen from a window on the bottom. Doesn't have to be metal. When the cocoon phase is done the beetle emerges and walks around looking for food and a mate. I previously posted a long time ago about finding beetles in the bottom of my cages. This is just some lucky worm who landed in the right conditions and grew up. These beetles can't fly but they do love to congregate around milk cartons and they eat a bit more than the worms. Although you can feed them the same stuff again as long as it isn't wet. You don't want moisture in there because it will grow mold and that will kill all your worm friends, it's happened to me a couple of times. So the beetles will live their lives and lay eggs, lots of eggs. Once a day or two you have to pick the container up and give it a light shake back and forth like you were sifting flour. The stuff that falls out is poop, small bits of oats and eggs. This stuff goes into yet another container with oats and a lot less food. I didn't think anything was working until I took a maginfying glass and looked and low and behold there were hundreds of very tiny worms eating and growing. The first time I saw them they were litterally half the size of this letter i. they grow slowly and right now i think they are about twice the size of the I. eventually they will get big enough that the whole process will start over again. It takes a lot longer than I thought but I have made mistakes as well. You definitely want to keep them very warm. All my indoor plants have died. I think I had a bout a dozen in the glider room but since there is an awning on the window they really don't get any sun. The two bushes I bought in bags as costco are growing nicely but they are still in the bag because like I day..ugh. I made it a point to keep up on all of the posts almost nightly, I just didn't have the heart to post myself. And now to the best part, the end. TL:DR I now have three cages with three gliders that do not get along. I do not know what to do next. Should I let the glider couple breed and then give a baby to the other female gliders to take care of and raise? Should I get some freshly OOP glider girls (from a reputable source this time) and see if the other girls accept them? Even though the girls don't get along, isn't the fact that they can see and smell each other go towards them not being totally alone ergo leading toward depression? Sometimes I feel as though I should change clothes and wash up when going from cage to cage. Does that confuse gliders ? Does it affect the bond they have with you? Anyone have any experience here or advice? Thanks everyone! Good to be back.
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