Greetings all,
I have a bit of a situation hopefully someone with experience in the matter can give me a good advice!
Background and some info if inpatient jump to 3 to 1 down below:
First of all gliders aren't very popular in my country there are only a few unlicensed
breeders and very few
vets that actually saw a glider not to mention know what and how to cure or treat them! That said I was very lucky a few years ago when I got my first baby that I found the Glider Central /special thanks to KarenE for the help, time and devotion!! YOU ARE THE BEST!/ read as much as possible and managed to actually
bond and provide my baby with everything so he would be one happy ball of love. Found a
vet to neuter him /he 2as the first glider he saw but he was well recommended by many owners and trust worthy , that doesn't mean I didn't bite my nails all day till I got my baby back/ when the time was right.
A year ago he started putting on weight and not beeing as active as before even during play time so I decided to get him a friend following the advices of the info here so 6 months ago my baby Mars got a female companion almost his age Juniper /took 6 months to find and she was in a pretty bad shape/ with a character of a hungry alligator and completely antisocial but hey like I said gliders aren't very popular here and in 90% of the cases you can find a male /cuz
breeders keep females and sale males/ so slowly we are makeing progress me and Juniper in our relationship. Mars on the other hand enjoys her company although she is a real beast most of the time...
Recently posts in an online market about owners wanting to sell their gliders "urgent" started to come out every few days and again mostly males unneutered, they bought didn't read about them and when the gliders hot to maturity and started spraying their scent around they decided to sell them asap.
Some more info :
A few days ago an advert came out close to my city about 2 babies but something made me contact the seller! And thank God I did the owners kept them in terrible condition... no fruits, no treats, no
toys, a cage the size of a matchbox, no cover... just a pile of mouse food, watter and sawdust that their buried themselves in to sleep during the day!
Took them, got them home I got a bit confused since both had a bold spot but only 1 had a pom sack till yesterday when I realized both are male and today after a visit to the
vet he suggested /not 100% sure cuz he saw a glider once and was in a bit of a rush between 2 operations/ that the male without pom either has some serious health issues or was home neutered by tying his pom sack with a string till it ... you get the picture. So now the two boys are recovering at home in a separate cage with strong food and some medication for the injured one.
Crash and Eddie:
A month from now when they gather strength and pack some weight they both go back to the
vet for further examination of Crash and an appointment for neutering Eddie. Till than I keep them separated from Mars and Juniper but close by so they can get used to their scent.
And now the 3 to 1 ratio:
I read many topics and generally people suggest at least a 50/50 ratio in the cage or more females than males and that
sounds very reasonable but... that's not my case!
Can they all live together eventually?
You see my main cage is spacious almost 2 meters high with plenty of room I could try and find 2 more females but it might take another 6 months or more!
I don't want to sell or gift them since I don't trust people will take proper care.
If anyone had a similar experience I would be very grateful for some info!
Thank you in advance!
Mars, Juniper, Crash and Eddie