I am a paranoid person and you guys are so knowledgeable, which is why I'm always on here and asking questions. So i noticed that my female's cloaca seemed very swollen. I'm really worried about her.
It is possible that it is impacted anal glands. Try giving her a grape for a couple of days.
Usually this requires surgery. DO NOT let your vet express them.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Also, what is the reason that they should not be expressed?
The anal glands are tiny and fragile. If they rupture them, well, let's say it's not a risk I would be willing to take.
Watch her go poop, see if they are having issues going. ( Making a hiss sound?) Make sure there are two different water sources as well .
Don't feed mealies for a few days.
Have you recently changed their diet? Or maybe put their fruits and vegs in a blender? I had to look back, you were feeding TPG. If still feeding TPG, have you recently changed their F/vegs?
Ah, I see, that definitely makes sense. She is having trouble pooping - a lot of grunting and straining. She can go, but it's hard for her and takes her a long time. I am planning on changing their diet, but haven't done so yet as I"m still waiting for components to come. Yes, I did blend their fruits/vegetables way more than normal. 🤦â€â™€ï¸ I haven't changed their fruits or veggies within the past month.... She definitely has more delicate health than my male. She had an upper respiratory infection in Oct.
The anal glands of a sugar glider are like those of a ferret, lots of little canals in there. My vet won't do the surgery to small for him, I have to take them to a vet in IL.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
It's not a good idea to put their fruits and vegs in the blender. They cannot process insoluble fiber. When they eat their f/v, they chew it and spit that part out.
Update: I took her to the vet last week. They did an xray and ended up saying that she had a slight prolapse (just from all of the straining and stuff). Gave her meds for 5 days and changed her diet to OPHW. She was doing really well. Her cloaca went back to normal and wasn't red anymore. She didn't have trouble pooping and seemed great. Until tonight. Her cloaca seems fine, but now there is this yellow, pussy...stuff on the right side of it. Any ideas what it is?? She also seems to be shaking...like not visibly, but when she's on me playing, it just feels like she's quivering. I don't think she's cold 'cause I have my room pretty warm. I'm so tired of her being sick and not knowing why...it;s been a bad year and I'm exhausted.....I just want her to be ok. I could totally cry right now....I'm a horrible owner...
Does that pussy stuff smell? Is it possible that she skunked?
The shaking could be from her just waking up.
When in doubt call your vet and update him or her.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
That could be. I'm not sure if it smelled or not. I looked at her this morning and she seems normal. Both of my gliders shake when they get up, but it goes away pretty quickly. She had already been up for two hours. The shaking was different from the kind when they just get up. It felt more fast? I have a hard time describing things...
Let your vet know what is going on. It is always best to keep them informed.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the