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Gliders of the Round Table 10
03/07/24 09:50 PM
03/07/24 09:50 PM
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Leaving off from my last last thread, the round table has drastically diminished with only Morgana to hold the kingdom. Like grains through the hour glass, the story continues...
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
03/07/24 10:11 PM
03/07/24 10:11 PM
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Hutch I'm so sorry  Thank you, Dawn. I understand your conundrum. I would take Feather up on her offer to get Morgana a friend about her age. The hardest part is finding a good match. If Feather offered to foster Morgana (remember, she and the Roundtable have been with her while you were moving from Germany back to the US). For a short time while Feather can find her a suitable mate from her rescue. That way she can observe and find a good match. I am seriously considering it, I am just trying to balance the time commitment of bonding to a new group and then introducing the two groups while dealing with 15 credits worth of college. Also balencing that time commitment with the knowledge that older gliders are harder to bond with vs joeys, but joeys come with a new 9-12 year commitments. I trust Kimberly to find a good match and would be happy to adopt older gliders, it's all just a matter of available time right now and in the near future. I've never forgotten the assistance she provided while I changed duty stations nor her willingness to help while I was deployed. I would fully trust her to foster Morgana in the short time (if that was all) or long time (if I chose to give her up), but I'd like to avoid that if I could keep her happy. Whether I could so that with her solo long term (a year or more) or short term (the summer) has a lot to do with what I'll decide. While having blankies in her pouch, be sure you rub your scent on it as well. I've been trying to give the pouch itself my scent since she just seems to sleep on top of blankies in the past, but I'll try that again. Maybe that was a response of the other furballs and not her directly? This is really the first chance for me to experience -only- her reaction. I've had to seperate them in the past from the colony, but it was usually Arthur or when one of them was sick... neither of which is a good indication or her habits on her lonesome. Honestly, I'm trying to give her a lot of attention (day and night), but I am realizing how poorly I understood her habits without the context of the other furballs around her. On one hand, a little embarrassed, like not -truly- knowing one's child on her own; one the other hand, she did so much -with- another glider, some habits I did not attribute to her alone.
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
03/07/24 10:39 PM
03/07/24 10:39 PM
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Today was... nice. It kind of happened in three parts. First, after away-too early start to the day, I was studying for a midterm this evening. After a late breakfast, I took her pouch out and held it against my chest as I review the material. I was sitting up in a chain and slipped my hand inside after giving her a pine nut. As Morgana kept squirming around my hand in the pouch with her, she ended up settling in my fingers curled up in a fluffy ball. She managed to stay that while studying for several hours. There was one bathroom break for which I set her on the table top, but once I returned and returned, Morgana assumed the same position. She would on and off make satisfied popping sounds. I put her back in the cage for lunch and afterwards decided that I -really- needed a nap. While no night has been as bad as Sunday, I haven't slept well since Arthur passed on. Morgana hasn't woken me every hour or so, but at least once a night she barked for attention which I didn't want to ignore (I really hope I'm not encouraging a new habit :P) and I've had a couple early mornings. Anyways, I thought it would be a good chance to give her quiet company until I had to go to class. I laid down with her pouch on my chest and again put my hand inside. This time, she adjusted herself and pushed my fingers around until it felt like her upper body was tucked under my fingers and her body/tail only my wrist, with her on her side against my chest. She usually had one paw gripping one finger. I went in-and-out of consciousness while listening to an audiobook, and the whole time I was aware, she was making popping sounds while seeming in a content sleep. I like Morgana cuddles while napping. Sadly, my alarm told me when it was near time to head to class and I had to return her to the cage. Even one I got back from class, Morgana hung out on me a little while as I changed my bedding and prepared her dinner. I did a better job mixing in the vegetables with the CrittenLove and see seem to do a better job eating the vegetable portion of her dinner. I didn't hide as many snacks aroundd the resettable toys, but there are at least a few to encourage her to explore. I think she's still adjusting the new situation, but I also think Morgana is at least content (for now). I guess the long-term question is if this is sustainable. Regardless, today was nice. Still, I'm so tired... going to bed now. Hope tomorrow is another good day.
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
03/08/24 08:21 PM
03/08/24 08:21 PM
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Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet  T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon  TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
03/08/24 08:36 PM
03/08/24 08:36 PM
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Hutch I know how rough it is to lose a Glider my friend. I can say this Kim been a life saver for me and my colony as she adopted us all after my wife tossed us out like trash ( won't get into it now ,) but I know of a couple special guys here that love to meet your lady if it came to it., as well as a male to spoil her when he got the time ( me lol)...
Bowie,Misha  Peso, Bemo Kahless  rehomed and missed Sasha, Sammi, Elda,  Momo, Sterling , Vino, Freya, Leeloo, Muffin our first true fur master
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
03/10/24 10:59 PM
03/10/24 10:59 PM
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The last few nights have been better. Morgana still usually calls for me at some point, but most of the time I've been lucky enough for it to have been when I got up for... other necessities. I guess she saw me up & was all "don't forget about me out here!" My ability to cuddle a lot has been a little hit or miss, but I've been giving her what attention I can. She's been eating better the last few nights, so that's looking up. I hear her exploring the cage and taking apart her reset-able toys all night. Tonight she seemed tired and not interested in coming out of the cage to spend time with me, but I can hear her playing hard now. Maybe it was just a case of needed her glider-coffee to kick in. I haven't noticed her tail fur getting any thinner nor her eyebrows (something I noticed later the night I took the tail pictures). If it was over-grooming, maybe she's over it, or maybe it is an age thing. I'll still keep an eye on her in general and on her tail/eyebrows in particular, but at least I'm feeling better about it. I finally feel I've (mostly) caught back up on sleep that first several nights cost me. ------ Mechnut, so glad Kim was able to help you and your furry masters, and that you've been able to return that favor for her!
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
03/14/24 01:57 PM
03/14/24 01:57 PM
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Not much to update y'all on since my last post. I spent every day and late into the nights cramming for a major exam that I took this morning. I used the end of my dining table close to the cage so Morgana could hear me and know I'm near. I'd also pull her pouch out for the afternoons and let her sleep against my chest or cuddled with my hand for a little while. It seems hit or miss if she wants to hang out on me for a little while when she wakes, but it's nice when she down. Morgana really likes positioning herself right behind my shoulders, scurrying from one side to the other. She'll just sit there ('conveniently' where I cannot reach her at all) for a minutes, then suddenly ZIP to the same position on the other shoulder. The feeling reminds me of the fast-zoom-stop-fast-zoom effect of the mongoose in the cartoon version of 'Rikki-Tikki-Tavi' She's been quieter at night, I think she's become more adjusted to being just her. I do hear a lot more interaction with the toys and cage accessories than I'd become accustomed to the last couple of years. I guess when Morgana had the boys, she was less interested in the furniture.
Last edited by Hutch; 03/14/24 01:59 PM. Reason: Spelling/Grammar
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
03/14/24 05:36 PM
03/14/24 05:36 PM
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I am glad to hear that she is adjusting. Keep up the good work, Hutch!
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet  T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon  TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
03/16/24 11:00 PM
03/16/24 11:00 PM
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Something I've noticed, Morgana is sleeping in much later than when the boys were still with her. I've become accustomed to everyone waking around my dinner time, but lately she's not coming out of the pouch until well past sunset. It's more like when I had them in Germany when they were all younger. At first I thought it might be because I was 'disturbing' her sleep being near, listening to music, and brining her pouch out in the afternoon while I was studying. However, even being out of the house almost the whole day, she still didn't make her appearance until around 8:30pm.
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
03/19/24 05:46 PM
03/19/24 05:46 PM
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You really get tuned in to a glider when you only have one.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet  T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon  TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
03/23/24 08:35 PM
03/23/24 08:35 PM
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It's funny how sometimes Morgana makes an effort to come out and clamber about me as I serve forth dinner and other times she looks disdainfully upon the open door or offered hand. It usually corresponds to the opposite of my personal intentions, of course, but what is a glider slave to do?
When she first came out tonight, she leapt to me and immediately to some furniture nearby. Not wanting to have to keep track of her while I took care of her old dinner dish and a little other tidying-up, I scooped Morgana up to keep her on me... only for her to immediately leap off again. Scooped her up again and immediately turned so sh'e's farther away from the table-top long enough for me to create some distance. Apparently I won that round as she stayed on me while I did the before mentioned chores.
I gave her a couple pine nuts as a reward for putting up with my unworthy preferences, then offered the cage again, which she readily went back to and is now running on the wheel. However, whenever I look towards the cage, Morgana 'splats' herself against the nearest wall and looks between me and the pine nut (crack) stash. "Eat your dinner" has no effect.
At least some things never change.
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
03/24/24 12:13 PM
03/24/24 12:13 PM
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Ohhhhh! She is trying to train you.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet  T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon  TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
03/27/24 06:04 PM
03/27/24 06:04 PM
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Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet  T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon  TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
03/28/24 08:57 PM
03/28/24 08:57 PM
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Do you keep several blankies in with her? Maybe she needs a smaller pouch?
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
04/03/24 12:10 AM
04/03/24 12:10 AM
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Well, apparently I'm not worth Morgana's time tonight. She's having way too much fun on the wheel.
Scratches? Nah, not even going to slow to look. Dinner? Nope, too busy running. A treat? nah, I got my hopping rhythm in the sweet spot.
I come back later when I hear the wheel is silent for a bit. I offer a treat. Morgana just looks at it, sloooooowly takes it... then dives into her pouch.
Not my night, I guess. Color me chopped liver.
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
04/07/24 12:31 PM
04/07/24 12:31 PM
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SW Missouri USA
 I love it when they are indifferent 
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
04/07/24 07:42 PM
04/07/24 07:42 PM
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sounds like she is adjusting. Keep an eye on that tail.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet  T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon  TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
04/20/24 09:43 PM
04/20/24 09:43 PM
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Morgana does seem to be adjusting to the new situation. Slowly, she has become more like how Gwyn was and being almost pushy about coming out of the cage to interact with me whenever I go to swap out the food dish. Sometime (though relatively rarely) when I'm just doing homework nearby, she'll come out of the pouch durning the day and plaster herself on the closest part of the cage making a soft 'chirp'. Otherwise, she seems content, doesn't bark during the night (outside of the occasional times I've been too bust to give her a LOT of time).
I've been trying to leave the door open after I feed her (which is after my night classes) while I'm working on homework. I let Morgana clamber over nearby things, up and down my blinds, and scamper wherever she wishes in the room. It's when she decides to go hopping into an attached room that I get up to follow and corral her. This is also what makes me think she may have suicidal tendencies since she will actively dive under my foot as I try to enter a room after her. Sometimes the light doesn't carry well from one room to another, and I actually stepped on her enough to make Morgana crab the other night. I checked her outs much as she'd allow and I didn't find any signs of being hurt... outside my heart missing three or four consecutive beats, that is. Even today (a couple days after) no signs of injury, so *whew*
Some nights Morgana stays closer, staying on me longer each 'visit' and not going far from me or her cage. Other nights she'll explore as widely as I'll allow, making beelines for far reaching corners of the house. There are also in-between nights where the room is her domain, but not more than that (those are my favorite). I think she's and I have adapted well to her being solo for now. The hair on her tail is still thin and missing a notch, but it doesn't seem to be thinning further nor the notch growing or getting a matching notch someplace else. Morgana interacts with me with calling out every night. Most days she sleeps fine with only the occasional day that she wakes during the diurnal hours. *fingers crossed* That this continues and is a good sign.
In other news, wish me luck. I'm apply to a GS12 position on base related to the degree I've been pursuing. That level of pay will go a long way to completing my degree through a Master's and continuing my flight training in both Helicopter and Airplane. If I get accepted, I'll start in late summer.
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
04/25/24 05:57 PM
04/25/24 05:57 PM
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sounds like you two are doing well. Hope you get the job and continue your schooling.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet  T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon  TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
05/07/24 06:54 PM
05/07/24 06:54 PM
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Where are you transferring too?
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet  T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon  TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Gliders of the Round Table 10
[Re: Hutch]
06/06/24 04:11 AM
06/06/24 04:11 AM
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BiG  I wish I could take her  But I'm having some difficulty myself with Gracie and Mom and Ruby... They still aren't a colony. It's been a mess! I have 2 alphas!!!!! Ruby and Gracie. Then when I tried mom and Gracie, they balled up!!!!!  We're working overnight in KC right now so we can't watch them close enough. We down sized our 5th wheel and right now we're dealing with 2 full sized Brisbane cages, and no kitchen table. Feather thinks they are talking smack and not trying to get along. I might agree... No happy lovey clicks, but a lot of pacing and stares. I know Morgana will miss you and miss her out of cage play. I hope you can find her a new home soon. It's really difficult and stressful when they are her age. 
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
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