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Lucy passed away #681044
11/26/08 11:35 AM
11/26/08 11:35 AM


OK so here's my story. I got Lucy a little over a year ago as a rescue. She was my first glider and I was a fiend trying to get real information on how to care for these special creatures. I even found a rescue companion for her Boris. I'm only guessing at their actual age as no one was ever really sure since Lucy had been bounced from place to place and Boris was actually an exhibit at the Boston MOS then lived at a school.
well all of a sudden late last night Lucy was not her usual self she was lethargic, ears down and eyes barely open. I kept her warm, gave her fluids and even tried feeding her through an oral syringe in an effort to get her to the e-vet. Well she didn't make it. so it's the day before Thanksgiving and my first glider is gone cry
I'm kind of dazed and unsure what to do. Also what's next for my boy who is still with us. He has a vet check up today to see if what happened to Lucy might be contageous and who knows if he's sick too and just not showing it yet. I know these are socila animals and I don't want the one I have left to be depressed. What now? Do I get another glider if so how long do I wait?

Re: Lucy passed away [Re: ] #681050
11/26/08 11:43 AM
11/26/08 11:43 AM


So sorry for your hard for it to happen during the holidays!

I would definitely wait on getting a new glider until you know what happened to Lucy... tough as it is are they going to perform a necropsy? You need to know if it was old age or sickness...

Good luck. Let us know how the vet visit goes!

Re: Lucy passed away [Re: ] #681051
11/26/08 11:44 AM
11/26/08 11:44 AM


I'm so sorry to hear about Lucy. Somtimes with these lil ones, even though they have moved on to happier times, they cannot escape the damage of the past.

Did you have a necropsy done on Lucy? If so, this will help determine if Bris is at risk. If not, it will be harder. Boris should hava fecal and UA done at the vet today to rule out illness that has gone undetected.

Boris will likely want another friend - since you don't know what happened to Lucy, it is imperative that you follow strict quarantine procedures. I would keep the new glider in a separate room for at least 6 weeks. Be sure to wash well so as not to cross contaminate. Keep pouches and toys separate, even when washing. Use a bleach solution when washing cages, toys, and bedding.

Re: Lucy passed away [Re: ] #681072
11/26/08 12:23 PM
11/26/08 12:23 PM


cry I got all teary-eyed reading your story.
I'm soo sorry for your loss hug2
I can't believe you had to go through this right before the holidays.
I'm so sorry.
I hope everything turns out ok.

My thoughts are with you hug2

Re: Lucy passed away [Re: ] #681076
11/26/08 12:30 PM
11/26/08 12:30 PM


Thank you so much. I have already moved Boris into another cage (which is in another room) and began the process of bleaching everything.
I'm worried with him as in general he is much more docile than Lucy was so his normal would be lethargic for her.
I need to ask about the necropsy. I guess I'm a bad glider mom but these are my first so I never asked anything about necropsy. Would that be performed by my glider vet? If so does anyone know what it entails so I can make sure. Honestly I have no idea if the vet would even do it.

Last edited by Bubblz; 11/26/08 12:31 PM.
Re: Lucy passed away [Re: ] #681077
11/26/08 12:33 PM
11/26/08 12:33 PM


I have another question. I keep reading that gliders have the potential to live 12-15 years but the actual average is much less than that. From everything I know Boris is some where between 7-8 and Lucy was around 7. Is it shocking for her to have passed so young?

Re: Lucy passed away [Re: ] #681084
11/26/08 12:53 PM
11/26/08 12:53 PM
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minkasmom Offline
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minkasmom  Offline
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Northeast Indiana
Bubblz, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's NEVER easy to lose a glider...and happening right now only amplifies the sorrow. hug2

Now on to answering some of your questions: As Monster mentioned, sometimes a glider's health issues hide in the shadows despite YOUR best efforts to "correct" the situation. Not knowing Lucy's history (being a rescue) leaves a LOT to mystery...was she a mill-bred baby? What kind of diet was she on before she came to you? I could go on but I think you get the idea. Even with a joey born to 2 adults that you KNOW their entire history, things still happen: genetics isn't perfect in gliders (no different from any other animal or even HUMANS). Unless you were REALLY "on the ball" and have put Lucy's body in the refrigerator, doing a necropsy at this point may prove to be useless...(now tell me how hard THAT would be to do! I've been there myself & already KNOW the answer)

Moving forward on what to do with Borris: You've done 2 wise things by moving him OUT of the cage & the room where he & Lucy used to be...all you can do right now other than get HIM in for a complete vet exam is to give him extra love & attention. (A half-teaspoon of yogurt added to his diet won't hurt either.) Here's another heart-ripper: did he get to see that Lucy has gone over the Rainbow Bridge? If you can't bring yourself to do it, then DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT, OK? (I could NEVER do that myself cry ) But you WILL want to work toward getting him a new friend once you know he's healthy. You will want to get busy on locating one ASAP...(is he neutered? if so, a girl has better odds of compatability than another male)...and doing the 30-day quarantine with him/her. There are LOTS of places to begin your search....just STAY AWAY from flea markets & holiday shows; perhaps a breeder near New Hampshire has a joey available? It'd be VERY SWEET to get him a friend for Christmas.... mlove

Again, I'm sorry over the loss of Lucy. If you need to vent, just fire me a Private Message...... hug2

Minkasmom (Papillon Kisses)
Slave to:
25 gliders,4 cats,
and ONE husband (can't handle two, lol!)
gangel Remembering all my lost loves cry
Re: Lucy passed away [Re: minkasmom] #681086
11/26/08 12:55 PM
11/26/08 12:55 PM


minkasmom, I'm very curious the answer to this..Maybe you could PM it to me smile
Why would it matter if he saw her go to the rainbow bridge?

Once again I'm soo sorry for your loss.. hug2

Re: Lucy passed away [Re: ] #681121
11/26/08 01:49 PM
11/26/08 01:49 PM


He saw her go over the rainbow bridge as it was last night and I was in their room with her when it happened. I didn't let him investigate her post-mortum body. was I supposed to? if so why, does this help them with closure as well?
Honestly I knew very little about Lucy's history. I got her from a tech I worked with who was a bit of a flake. She lived in a glider banned state and bought one anyway. She went off to college and left Lucy with her little brother to "take care of" until her mom learned there was an illegal animal in her house and freaked out. Lucy had nowhere to go and would have been put down at a local pound being illegal and all so I volunteered to take her in. Lucy's diet I know was off the girl was giving her a modified version of a diet she found on the internet just giving Lucy the parts she liked.
when I got her bought her a much bigger cage all new pouches and put her on the Priscilla Price pet glider diet. Within a month I had adopted Boris and was in the process of Quarantine. Just after the new year they were together and happy.
He was always a "fluffy" glider and she was always soooo thin. I always made sure there was more than enough food. Leftovers to throw out every morning ( I was worried he would eat too much and her not enough). When it came to their mealies I fed them separately to make sure they each ate.
Oh yes btw Boris is a neutered male. When I do get him a friend should I look for another adult or maybe get a pair of joey's and make it a trio? what's best?

Last edited by Bubblz; 11/26/08 01:51 PM.
Re: Lucy passed away [Re: ] #681197
11/26/08 03:53 PM
11/26/08 03:53 PM
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ozzi Offline
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Sedona, AZ
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your glider Lucy cry I know how devestating that is.

As for letting Boris see Lucy after she had passed on. We don't know exactly how other animals grieve but I would have to say in some way they must. As heart wrenching as it was when my Lucy passed on I brought her home from the vet and layed her body out for Boo-Boo and BJ to see and say goodbye to. They walked all around her and checked her out and I can only hope that helped them understand...
Lucy was just about to turn 7.
I hope you find a compatible friend for Boris.

My sincere condolences.


You have not lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.....Unknown

Rest in Peace our little sweet friends that have crossed over the "Rainbow Bridge".
I miss you gangel Boo-Boo, Lucy, BJ, and Fivel gangel
Re: Lucy passed away [Re: ozzi] #681205
11/26/08 04:17 PM
11/26/08 04:17 PM


Given Boris' estimated age, I would probably try to find him an older friend. Since you said he is quiet docile, he may find a joey to be annoying. Just my opinion. I don't know of any rescues in your area, however, most rescue homes are able to set up railroads within the community to get a rescue glider to its new home. If I were you, I would check with All 4 Gliders as well as with some of the individual rescue homes to see if there is a little girl somewhere that m,ay be perfect for Boris.

When is his vet visit today?

Re: Lucy passed away [Re: ] #681220
11/26/08 04:52 PM
11/26/08 04:52 PM


I am so sorry to hear about Lucy - here's hoping that Boris is fine and you can go from there - I agree that a necropsey is the way to go from here due to the fact that the vet could nail down exactly why Lucy Passed - As for getting Boris another friend I agree with whomever wrote above that a Xmas present for Boris would be great - my heart goes out to you and Boris - and think you were right to let Boris see Lucy go over the "Rainbow Bridge" animal's have feelings too - who know's - she could have been communicating (sp) with him as she was passing - being an animal lover I believe that animal's talk to each other in their own way - That being said - keep a stiff upper lip and please keep us informed -


Mom to
& Owned By

Re: Lucy passed away [Re: ] #681232
11/26/08 05:12 PM
11/26/08 05:12 PM


Unfortunately, like Denise said, it is too late for a necropsy. The internal organs start to deteriorate so soon after death that unless Lucy was taken right in or else placed in the refrigerator & taken in first thing in the morning, there just wouldn't be anything to look at anymore.

The best option now is to take Boris in & run what tests you can.


Re: Lucy passed away [Re: ] #681284
11/26/08 07:19 PM
11/26/08 07:19 PM


I took Boris to the vet and I had Lucy's body and like a few people said the vet said that since I had not known to refrigerate her body there was no sense in doing a necropsy this late in the day. So far everything that has come back with Boris' test show he's in good health.
Basically what every caused Lucy's demise was either some form of natural cause or possible poison. The vet highly doubts it was anything contageous. There are no signs of virus, bacteria or parasite on Boris as of yet. Some tests were not back yet but they will call me with results as soon as they are in.
the vet did a fecal smear,& float, a UA, & drew some blood. He said that there was no way to safely draw enough blood for a complete blood panel however.

Re: Lucy passed away [Re: ] #681438
11/27/08 02:55 AM
11/27/08 02:55 AM
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Feather Offline
Feather  Offline

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Posts: 13,996
I am so sorry for your loss. It is hard to lose our beloved companions. May your memories of Lucy comfort you in the days to come.

When we lose a pet or a horse here we always let the other pets and/or horses see the one who has crossed over the rainbow bridge. We feel that they accept it and don't go searching the house or farm for the animal that has passed.

Again, sorry for your loss.

Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack
Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet :bb: T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon :wfb: TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring :rtmo:
Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the :rbridge:

Re: Lucy passed away [Re: Feather] #681843
11/28/08 09:13 AM
11/28/08 09:13 AM


Please keep us updated when you get the result from Bris' blood test. hug2

Re: Lucy passed away [Re: ] #682801
11/30/08 03:46 PM
11/30/08 03:46 PM


I just wanted to thank everyone for all their help and kind words.
Boris is totally healthy. vet says there are no health concerns with him.

Re: Lucy passed away [Re: ] #682802
11/30/08 03:48 PM
11/30/08 03:48 PM


dance jump dance jump
YAY! Glad he's good!

I hope you are feeling better.. hug2

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