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The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
10/02/08 11:25 AM
10/02/08 11:25 AM
Joined: Nov 2004
Posts: 5,968 Northeast Indiana
Serious Glideritis
Serious Glideritis
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Northeast Indiana
It's been awhile since I've seen a lot of you (over 2 months or possibly more), and I thought it's time to give everyone an update on what's been happening with my little man Magellan. To recap, he got bitten in the middle of his tail by someone in his cage. The vet had to take off about an inch, and we thought that was going to do it. It didn't heal very well, so he ended up coming with me to the SGGA...anyone who came by our room got to see how to cope with a glider who has to live in an E-collar on a long-term basis. (I figured out WHO DID IT & have resolved that problem, too....snip-snip) Well, since the SGGA....his tail STILL had not healed. I'd be of the impression that the OUTSIDE looked good enough to take him out of his E-collar for a SHORT WHILE, only to find out that I was grossly mistaken & he'd have ripped off the thin skin badly enough to make it bleed. Back into the E-collar, bandage up the tail, and kick myself for even TRYING. This past Monday (Sept 29) I reached the conclusion that 3 months of fighting it was long enough, it wasn't going to heal, & it was time to make another trip to the vet. Of course, my regular vet was ill that day & I ended up at the back-up vet. They took off the ENTIRE REMAINING tail (now that did NOT make me a happy camper, but it was too late. The senior vet & I had a little talk before the surgery about him possibly SMing even after the amputation...thanks, I thought all that through LONG before I walked into the office) There were 3 sutures in the stubby remains & we went home. I got pain meds if needed and was told to watch him, etc. His appetite was not bad, and he refused medication. Tuesday night went better: his appetite improved, but his range of movement was somewhat limited (I expected that, because of the surgery & all). He could still walk around, just not very well. I hand-fed him his mealies yesterday morning & put him back in his cage. When I got home last night, the first thing I noticed was the ABSENCE of the E-collar & how "clean" he looked....then I saw his rump: He'd managed to chew out all his sutures!  He didn't do any worse damage to his rump, he just took care of whatever was bothering him & stopped there!!!!! Heaven only knows HOW MUCH TIME he had to POTENTIALLY DO WORSE DAMAGE...the key here is that he didn't! I tried several different things to cover up the stub (that was a joke) & failed with everything. I knew that it was TOO LATE to whisk him to any vet & try to get new sutures put in: I could tell that the edges were beginning to "dry" (for lack of a better word) & to cut away to get to good skin would be difficult at best. I thought of glue for a NANOSECOND...and ruled it out as well because I'd be sealing any bad bacteria in there as well. So I grabbed my antibiotic ointment & put a HUGE glob inside the wound & pinched it shut. This morning when I woke up, the wound was still fused shut & (BIG prayers here please) beginning to heal on its own. I called the vet's office & told them what's going on....he'll be getting oral antibiotics as well as the ointment. All we can do now is take things day by day. *sigh* My rope of sanity is frayed...I've knotted it twice, and the knots have frayed loose too...Now I have 3 "hamstas". Ain't I lucky?
Minkasmom (Papillon Kisses) Slave to: 25 gliders,4 cats, and ONE husband (can't handle two, lol!)  Remembering all my lost loves
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: minkasmom]
10/02/08 11:30 AM
10/02/08 11:30 AM
I think Magellan is trying to tell you that he's sick of all this mess too - he's trying to prove himself - "Look Ma, I won't touch it SEE, I went THIS long & I didn't chew it AT ALL! PLEASE don't put me back in that collar!!!" Keeping my fingers & toes crossed for Magellan 
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: ]
10/02/08 11:37 AM
10/02/08 11:37 AM
He was sure tired of the e-collar - poor little guy. Keeping fingers crossed.
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: ]
10/03/08 06:00 AM
10/03/08 06:00 AM
Joined: Aug 2004
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Glideritis Anonymous
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Denise, I'm glad and relieved that he only removed the sutures and didn't go further with it - that's really good news. Hopefully it will heal now and he will be well again. I know how frustrating it is to have a wound not heal and not heal and not heal. My Darwin's partial tail amputation took almost four months to finally heal They had to do two partial amputations and said they would need to remove the rest of the tail if it didn't heal within the last two weeks. He must have heard her say that cuz it FINALLY healed up after all that time. My vet insisted on giving him Sulfatrim antibiotic because she said it is the BEST for when there is bone involvement in the "injury". You may want to ask your vet about it. Darwin HATED it - it has a very strong flavor, but it did work in combination with the Silver Sulfadiazine (SSD) topical ointment The first antibiotic she put him on was Clavamox. The second time she prescribed the Sulfatrim. The third time - she wanted to amputate the rest and I asked for two more weeks - we used the combination of the Sulfatrim and SSD ointment. HTH My thoughts and prayers are definitely with you. Please call me if you I can help in any way
Suz Enyedy
Carina & Coobah Allira & Gizmo
Picasso, Trinity Joy & Luna
DaisyMae; Darwin; Mareki; Mambo; Pika; Cricky; Reggie & Bobo, Pepe & Bittah Suz' Sugar Gliders
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: sugarglidersuz]
10/03/08 11:10 AM
10/03/08 11:10 AM
Joined: Nov 2004
Posts: 5,968 Northeast Indiana
Serious Glideritis
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Crossed fingers and prayers are working so far... Before I left this morning, Magellan and I went through our morning "ritual" of him getting hand-fed his mealies. I did my thorough examination of his hind end, and there's a scab beginning to form around the fused area. No indication of any "weeping", no bleeding, no warmer temperature in that specific area compared to further up on his back. This is all GOOD NEWS!! Even better news is that he weighs 100 grams (he dropped down to 94 grams on Monday night). Before this whole ordeal started, he weighed in at 140....true that he could've afforded to lose a few grams, but man this is NOT the way to get the job done! 
Minkasmom (Papillon Kisses) Slave to: 25 gliders,4 cats, and ONE husband (can't handle two, lol!)  Remembering all my lost loves
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: minkasmom]
10/04/08 06:14 AM
10/04/08 06:14 AM
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 14,788 Cleveland, Ohio
Glideritis Anonymous
Glideritis Anonymous
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Cleveland, Ohio
I'm so glad that it doesn't seem to be getting infected this time around And his weight gain is great news, as well
Suz Enyedy
Carina & Coobah Allira & Gizmo
Picasso, Trinity Joy & Luna
DaisyMae; Darwin; Mareki; Mambo; Pika; Cricky; Reggie & Bobo, Pepe & Bittah Suz' Sugar Gliders
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: minkasmom]
10/05/08 02:03 PM
10/05/08 02:03 PM
Joined: Feb 2008
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Sedona, AZ
YIKES, what an ordeal!!!! The poor little man. I am glad to read on that he is doing better though and I hope he continues to do so. I know all about that frayed rope of sanity Thanks for the update. Pat
Pat You have not lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.....Unknown Rest in Peace our little sweet friends that have crossed over the "Rainbow Bridge". I miss you  Boo-Boo, Lucy, BJ, and Fivel
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: ozzi]
10/14/08 11:10 AM
10/14/08 11:10 AM
Joined: Nov 2004
Posts: 5,968 Northeast Indiana
Serious Glideritis
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Northeast Indiana
Well, here we are 12 days later....and no further along on healing!  I've had him on antibiotics the last 11 days & haven't seen any sign of trouble from his I took off his e-collar last night & put him back in his cage. Within 10 minutes, he'd ripped the scab off his rump & I saw this HORRID greenish-gray stuff! In a panic, I put his e-collar back on  and flew to the vet's office...Dr. Funnel took 1 look at it & changed his antibiotics to something a little stronger. She said we'd need to debride his bottom & re-stitch it (again) in the morning. I took him home, gave him a dose of the new antibiotics & pulled out my antibiotic ointment from my e-kit...put a thin film over his bottom & spent the rest of the night fidgeting. At 3am, I pulled his food & water crying my heart out over having to do this YET AGAIN (this would be surgery #3). When I pulled him out at 7:30am to check him out one last time, I noticed that a NEW SCAB was already forming....this left me hopeful. I took him back to the vet's & Dr. Funnel agreed that MAYBE it's going to heal on its own with the new antibiotics. He'll have a unique hind end, but please keep praying that I don't have to have that third surgery. I'm about beside myself! 
Minkasmom (Papillon Kisses) Slave to: 25 gliders,4 cats, and ONE husband (can't handle two, lol!)  Remembering all my lost loves
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: minkasmom]
10/14/08 11:22 AM
10/14/08 11:22 AM
Oh Denise, I'm so sorry things are going to rough for you and for him. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed that this time the antibiotic will do the trick - Lord knows you need a break.
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: ]
10/14/08 12:11 PM
10/14/08 12:11 PM
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Glideritis Anonymous
Glideritis Anonymous
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Denise, my heart is breaking for the two of you! This whole ordeal has been so hard on the both of you. Praying very hard he will not need another surgery! Please keep us posted.
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Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: minkasmom]
10/14/08 12:26 PM
10/14/08 12:26 PM
Joined: Feb 2008
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Oh my word  You poor souls!!!! I hope that Magellan gets all better this time around  I can just imagine how stressful this is for you. My prayers are with you... Pat
Pat You have not lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.....Unknown Rest in Peace our little sweet friends that have crossed over the "Rainbow Bridge". I miss you  Boo-Boo, Lucy, BJ, and Fivel
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: ]
10/14/08 01:52 PM
10/14/08 01:52 PM
A new scab is promising! I will take a new scab over gray and green any day! See mom, he only took of the scab to show you what you needed to see, now he'll leave it alone, right Magellan?
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: ]
10/14/08 02:00 PM
10/14/08 02:00 PM
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: ]
10/14/08 11:11 PM
10/14/08 11:11 PM
Joined: Nov 2006
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Oh Denise! I am so sorry! I am still praying for Magellan and you to get through this. As I know you both will. Magellan is such a strong man with ALOT of determination. And I have to agree with Gina, that he wanted you to see what he needed. A new scab over night? Well that sounds very promising to me! I will still keep you both in my prayers that this go around is the final one. I love you! And dont forget to call me no matter what time it is if you need to talk.
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: Sherri]
10/14/08 11:37 PM
10/14/08 11:37 PM
Joined: Sep 2001
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Glideritis Anonymous
Glideritis Anonymous
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My thoughts are with you both Denise!!!  Karin
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"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass...It is about learning to dance in the rain!"
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: minkasmom]
10/15/08 05:22 AM
10/15/08 05:22 AM
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 14,788 Cleveland, Ohio
Glideritis Anonymous
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Well, here we are 12 days later....and no further along on healing!  I've had him on antibiotics the last 11 days & haven't seen any sign of trouble from his I took off his e-collar last night & put him back in his cage. Within 10 minutes, he'd ripped the scab off his rump & I saw this HORRID greenish-gray stuff! In a panic, I put his e-collar back on  and flew to the vet's office...Dr. Funnel took 1 look at it & changed his antibiotics to something a little stronger. She said we'd need to debride his bottom & re-stitch it (again) in the morning. I took him home, gave him a dose of the new antibiotics & pulled out my antibiotic ointment from my e-kit...put a thin film over his bottom & spent the rest of the night fidgeting. At 3am, I pulled his food & water crying my heart out over having to do this YET AGAIN (this would be surgery #3). When I pulled him out at 7:30am to check him out one last time, I noticed that a NEW SCAB was already forming....this left me hopeful. I took him back to the vet's & Dr. Funnel agreed that MAYBE it's going to heal on its own with the new antibiotics. He'll have a unique hind end, but please keep praying that I don't have to have that third surgery. I'm about beside myself!  Denise, The antibiotic we used for Darwin that finally cleared up his repeated infections after his partial tail amputation was Sulfatrim. My vet said that it is a great antibiotic for when bone tissue is involved - in fact, she said it is the BEST for bones. Darwin HATED it - it is very bitter and nothing can mask the bitterness; however, persistence in giving it to him and making sure he swallowed, along with topical treatment using Silver Sulfadiazine finally cleared it up. I hope this information may be of use to you & Magellan. Check with your vet about it if you haven't already used Sulfatrim in his treatments.
Suz Enyedy
Carina & Coobah Allira & Gizmo
Picasso, Trinity Joy & Luna
DaisyMae; Darwin; Mareki; Mambo; Pika; Cricky; Reggie & Bobo, Pepe & Bittah Suz' Sugar Gliders
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: sugarglidersuz]
10/15/08 10:58 AM
10/15/08 10:58 AM
Joined: Nov 2004
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Serious Glideritis
Serious Glideritis
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Thank you Suz! I'll ask Dr. Funnel about both it & the topical treatment...I'd very much like to get my hands on both before Friday. (That's just another thing that's got me stressed to the MAX: I'm leaving for a long weekend in Canada, leaving Magellan with Karen Milas. I do NOT need to try & fight Canadian Customs with bringing him along, let alone the HISSY FIT the men in my life would have!)
Minkasmom (Papillon Kisses) Slave to: 25 gliders,4 cats, and ONE husband (can't handle two, lol!)  Remembering all my lost loves
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: minkasmom]
10/15/08 04:53 PM
10/15/08 04:53 PM
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Magellan and I are going to have a great week-end together. Any problems and I know there won't be but I know where my vet lives and have been known to drop by with an emergency. So Magellan will be in great hands and Denise can try and enjoy a week-end with her son. My Holly is on Sulf-trim and it a good anitbotic and it can be used long term with no side effects.
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: Sherri]
10/16/08 05:53 AM
10/16/08 05:53 AM
Joined: Aug 2004
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Glideritis Anonymous
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Denise, Enjoy your trip this weekend - you're leaving Magellan in the BEST of hands
Suz Enyedy
Carina & Coobah Allira & Gizmo
Picasso, Trinity Joy & Luna
DaisyMae; Darwin; Mareki; Mambo; Pika; Cricky; Reggie & Bobo, Pepe & Bittah Suz' Sugar Gliders
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: sugarglidersuz]
10/17/08 04:25 PM
10/17/08 04:25 PM
Definitely ask about the silver sulfide! Also ask about dipping his butt in an iodine solution. We had a tumor removed from one of our female rescue rats last year from her hind left belly area on her left thigh and it wouldn't heal and kept getting infected and it was just a nightmare. I went through this SAME scenario for about 10 weeks. We finally put her in an impossible to get out of ecollar, opened her back up, left the wound open and put in 8 little loops along the open wound and twice a day my husband and I pulled out the string from the loops opened the wound, soaked her in a water/iodine solution for 10-15 minutes while gently swishing the water to remove all the puss from the wound, then dried her, put some silver sulfide cream on the open wound where the tumor had been, placed a gauze square over the cream, the pulled a string through the loops to corset the wound closed again.... this went on for 10 more days! Then FINALLY we took her to back to our vet, she gave the all clear that the infection was gone and the docs stitched her back up, it healed, it was all good....three months of this.... but Fiona was such a COOL rat.  It was worth it. I will SWEAR by those iodine baths, antibiotics didn't do SQUAT for Fiona the was all in the iodine baths and the silver sulfide cream. Now I have NO idea how you could get him to let you soak his bum for 10 minutes everyday, but it might be worth a shot, cause we spent several weeks trying antibiotics and pain meds and none of it worked until we just left the wound open and sanitized it with the baths twice a day, cause every time they stitch it back up if the wound has ANY puss left it just reinfects the wound, that's what was happening with Fiona, so we had to get rid of the green puss infection first. Anyway, the iodine solution was water and iodine mixed to look like weak tea... just beware that iodine stains EVERYTHING.... Fiona went from a gorgeous grey blue pretty girl to a yellow/orange/grey striped one, lol, but she lived for a long time after the ordeal :), long enough to be pretty and grey/blue again by the time she passed away and she wouldn't have made it unless we went through all that trouble with the iodine and wound dressing. So just keep plugging away at it! It WILL get better! And it will be SO fullfilling once it is. You just have to keep thinking haw worth it it'll all be.
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: ]
10/18/08 06:34 AM
10/18/08 06:34 AM
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 14,788 Cleveland, Ohio
Glideritis Anonymous
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I doubt that soaking a glider would work; however, this suggestion does bring to mind another idea  When Mareki had her largest patagium wound (from SMing) the vet had me use sterile saline to flush the wound twice a day. She had me use a large syringe WITH a needle so I could get a lot of pressure into the flushing. I held the syringe about an inch away from the wound and the flushed it with about 6 cc's of sterile saline. I wonder if a saline flush OR an iodine solution flush would be beneficial for Magellan? Obviously, you wouldn't be able to do this until you get back from Canada, but it's worth asking the vet about
Suz Enyedy
Carina & Coobah Allira & Gizmo
Picasso, Trinity Joy & Luna
DaisyMae; Darwin; Mareki; Mambo; Pika; Cricky; Reggie & Bobo, Pepe & Bittah Suz' Sugar Gliders
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: sugarglidersuz]
10/21/08 06:26 AM
10/21/08 06:26 AM
Joined: Nov 2004
Posts: 5,968 Northeast Indiana
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Northeast Indiana
Well, we're home from Canada...Magellan was a DOLL BABY for Sugeebaby while I was gone, eating all his food & loving up on her in my absence. He's glad to be back with his colony, and I'm glad to be back in my own surroundings as well. This morning, though, he felt it necessary to give his mom another heart attack! I went into his cage to wish him a good morning & give him his meds...all that was in the cage was his e-collar! No Magellan, no loose door, nothing! After a few minutes of frantically searching & calling his name, he made his presence known: He'd hidden in a fold of the cover for his family's cage (a fitted sheet), snuggled into one of the corners. Yes, he'd spent about 7 hours grooming himself....including his hind end of course! He completely cleared off the scab that had formed over his nub, and I got to see that there IS signs of improvement. There is a rather tough layer of skin forming over his bottom, and a very small hole in the center where the worst of his surgery was. Further back, the layer of skin with fur is also toughening up. (the best way to describe it is that it looks like a little eyeball back there) But the BEST PART OF IT ALL is that there is NO SIGN OF INFECTION anywhere! I gave him his due scolding, put his e-collar back on, and gave him his morning antibiotics. He's not very happy with me right now for putting the collar back on, but I think we need to keep him away from overgrooming it still, so that another scab can form & the healing can continue. Once again, he's proven to me that he's not SMing material (MORE sighs of relief) and that he just wants to clean himself every once in awhile...and will do what it takes to get that job done. Gotta love his spunk! 
Minkasmom (Papillon Kisses) Slave to: 25 gliders,4 cats, and ONE husband (can't handle two, lol!)  Remembering all my lost loves
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: minkasmom]
10/21/08 06:54 AM
10/21/08 06:54 AM
Apparently he thinks Mama is not cleaning it properly  Didn't you KNOW, you're supposed to take the scab OFF Mom 
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: ]
10/21/08 07:09 AM
10/21/08 07:09 AM
Wow you have got a feisty little fella!! I think you are both going to be just fine, but I am sorry that you both had to go through this!
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: ]
10/21/08 07:12 AM
10/21/08 07:12 AM
Geeze, Denise - and I thought Minka was going to be the one to give you a heart attack, I believe Magellan is really trying to top her record and see just how bad he can rattle you!
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: Sherri]
10/22/08 06:07 AM
10/22/08 06:07 AM
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 14,788 Cleveland, Ohio
Glideritis Anonymous
Glideritis Anonymous
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Cleveland, Ohio
OMG, what a scare I'm SO glad he's NOT an SMer
Suz Enyedy
Carina & Coobah Allira & Gizmo
Picasso, Trinity Joy & Luna
DaisyMae; Darwin; Mareki; Mambo; Pika; Cricky; Reggie & Bobo, Pepe & Bittah Suz' Sugar Gliders
Re: The Tale of Magellan's Tail - Part 2
[Re: sugarglidersuz]
10/22/08 06:55 AM
10/22/08 06:55 AM
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